
What happens after hydrogen bomb?

What happens after hydrogen bomb?

When a hydrogen bomb is detonated, the immediate effects are devastating: Looking in the general direction of the blast can cause temporary or permanent blindness, and the area at the center of the explosion is essentially vaporized.

What would happen if you detonated a nuclear bomb in space?

If a nuclear weapon is exploded in a vacuum-i. e., in space-the complexion of weapon effects changes drastically: First, in the absence of an atmosphere, blast disappears completely. There is no longer any air for the blast wave to heat and much higher frequency radiation is emitted from the weapon itself.

What happens during a nuclear explosion?

A nuclear blast, produced by explosion of a nuclear bomb (sometimes called a nuclear detonation), involves the joining or splitting of atoms (called fusion and fission) to produce an intense pulse or wave of heat, light, air pressure, and radiation. When a nuclear device is exploded, a large fireball is created.

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Does a hydrogen bomb implode or explode?

Hydrogen bombs cause a bigger explosion, which means the shock waves, blast, heat and radiation all have larger reach than an atomic bomb, according to Page 3 Edward Morse, a professor of nuclear engineering at University of California, Berkeley.

How much destruction is caused by a hydrogen bomb?

The device may have been a thermonuclear bomb since it yielded an explosion of roughly 150 kilotons’ worth of TNT. That’s about 10 times as strong as the Hiroshima bomb blast of 1945, which inflicted some 150,000 casualties.

What happens when a hydrogen bomb explodes?

Many gases are formed when a hydrogen bomb is detonated. The whole material of the bomb is vaporized in the explosion. In addition the tremendous X-ray burst emitted when the fireball initially breaks out of the weapon casing, produces many chemical reactions in the atmosphere itself.

What is the difference between a hydrogen bomb and neutron bomb?

neutron bomb:A neutron bomb, like a hydrogen bomb, is a thermonuclear weapon. The explosion from a neutron bomb is relatively small, but a large number of neutrons are released. While living organisms are killed by this type of device, less fallout is produced and physical structures are more likely to remain intact.

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What is a hydrogen bomb made of?

Hydrogen Bomb. A hydrogen bomb or H-bomb is a type of nuclear weapon that explodes from the intense energy released by nuclear fusion. Hydrogen bombs may also be called thermonuclear weapons. The energy results from the fusion of isotopes of hydrogen—deuterium and tritium.

What happens when a neutron bomb explodes?

The explosion from a neutron bomb is relatively small, but a large number of neutrons are released. While living organisms are killed by this type of device, less fallout is produced and physical structures are more likely to remain intact.