
What happens if husband and wife have same blood group A positive?

What happens if husband and wife have same blood group A positive?

Blood group compatibility for marriage is limited to possible Rh factor incompatibility during pregnancy. And that is further limited to pregnancy where both partners are the biological parents.

CAN A+ and O+ marry?

Nevertheless, a person with this blood type can transfuse to another with a B-positive blood group or an A+ person. So, with the understanding of the blood group matching table, can O+ blood group marry A+? Yes. O+ is considered the most needed blood type, and patients even get it more than any other blood type.

What is the father blood type?

Blood Type

Blood Type Mother
Father A B
A A or O AB, A, B or O
B AB, A, B or O B or O
AB AB or A or B AB or A or B
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Should I Marry the guy with my same blood group?

There is no harm in marrying the guy with your same blood group. Everyone is born with a certain blood type that is either Rh positive or Rh negative. Rh-positive blood is more common than Rh-negative.

Is there a relationship between blood groups and marriage compatibility?

Additionally, according to a 2015 study, there’s no scientific consensus of any relationship between personality traits or marriage compatibility and blood groups. Blood group compatibility for marriage is limited to possible Rh factor incompatibility during pregnancy.

What should I know about my partner’s blood type?

You must be fully aware of your partner’s ABO and Rh blood type. While ABO refers to the different types of blood groups: A, B, O and AB, Rh is referred to a compound which may or not be present in your red blood cells.

Can you donate blood to your spouse if you are Rh+?

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Rh+ or Rh- blood can be given to those who are Rh+, but if you are Rh-, you can only receive Rh- blood. So, if you want to be in a position to donate blood to your spouse, make sure you and your future spouse have compatible blood types. How common are different blood types?