
What happens if I lose the keys to my apartment?

What happens if I lose the keys to my apartment?

You might have the option to hire a locksmith to rekey the lock to your apartment. If you lost your apartment keys, then your landlord might have the right to replace the locks on the door to your place. That means you might be out a few hundred dollars, depending on the quality of the product getting replaced.

Are landlords responsible for tenants rubbish?

Tenant responsibilities Although the landlord is legally responsible for ensuring that you as a tenant have enough bins to dispose of household waste properly and are informed about where to dispose of your waste, you as a tenant have a responsibility to make every effort to dispose of your own household waste.

What happens if a landlord does not have a set of keys?

Incidentally there may also be an advantage to the landlord in not having a set of keys. If a landlord holds keys, particularly if he is known to enter the property from time to time, he may be in a difficult position if the tenant accuses him of theft of the tenants belongings.

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Can a tenant have a lock on a rented property?

Locks and keys in rented properties can often cause problems. Landlords like to retain control over their properties and this includes having sets of keys so they can gain access whenever they want. Tenants, needless to say, don’t like the idea of their landlord, or indeed anyone else, being able to enter their property when they are not there.

How to prevent keys from being stolen from a tenant?

Create a list of all keys that a tenant is given, including gate keys, laundry room, garage doors and so forth. Check that list at move-out to assure the tenant has returned all keys. 7. Prohibit tenants from duplicating keys to reduce the risk.

Where do you keep keys in a rental property?

Duplicate and master keys must be kept in a secure location, away from high traffic areas like the leasing office or lobby. 6. Create a list of all keys that a tenant is given, including gate keys, laundry room, garage doors and so forth. Check that list at move-out to assure the tenant has returned all keys.