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What happens if master bedroom is in south east?

What happens if master bedroom is in south east?

Direction of bedroom, according to Vastu. The master bedroom should ideally be located in the south-west corner of the home, as it is linked with good health, longevity and prosperity. Bedrooms in the south-east or north-east corners must be avoided as these can lead to health issues and conflicts at home.

What is the Vastu fix of a southeast bedroom?

The position *Reposition the bed in the southwest corner of a southeast bedroom. This will minimise the negative effects. *Sea salt is said to absorb negative energies and is recommended for removing any Vastu defect. Place a bowl of sea salt or camphor crystals inside a northeast-facing bedroom.

What is master bedroom as per Vastu?

South-West corner of the home is ideal for master bedroom According to vastu shastra experts, the ideal direction to build the master bedroom is the South-West corner of the home.

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What if master bedroom is in north-east direction?

Bedroom as per Vastu. A bedroom in North-East gives loss of wealth, obstruction in all works, delay in marriage of daughter, when parents sleep in North-East, they become very easy to influence. The lose their identity and power of discretion. The bedroom of the master of the house should be in South West only.

What is the size of master bedroom?

The average size of a master bedroom is 14 x 16 feet. It may be bigger than that but 224 square footage is a minimum. This ensures that you can easily accommodate a king or queen-size bed in the master bedroom while still leaving enough closet space.

Is Northeast good for master bedroom?

Avoid having bedrooms in the North-East and South-East corners of the house. A bedroom in North-East gives loss of wealth, obstruction in all works, delay in marriage of daughter, when parents sleep in North-East, they become very easy to influence. The bedroom of the master of the house should be in South West only.

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Can South have master bedroom?

Vastu for Master BedroomDifferent zones have been demarcated for the bedrooms of all family members. Avoid having bedrooms in the North-East and South-East corners of the house. The bedroom of the master of the house should be in South West only. A south-West Bedroom located in the earth zone gives stability.

What is a good size for a master bedroom suite?

The General Standard A master bedroom should be at least 15 feet on each side. The size should be enough to provide about 200 to 250 square feet of space. The basic standard works for most homeowners needs.

Which is the magic corner of the house according to Vastu?

Generally North east (Eshanya) and South west (Agneya) corners are considered to be the most important orientations in vastu. As per the vastu, north east is like the receiving hands. It is the magic corner of the house.

How to avoid Vaastu Dosh in a flat?

Utilise the southeast room as a kitchen and northwest room as children’s bedroom. Else utilise the northeast room as a children’s bedroom instead of southeast room. Shift the door from north vayavya to north eshan of the hall in north of the flat, to be safe from the bad effects of this vaastu dosh.

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Is it bad for Vaastu to have a temple in the east?

The positive energy continuously flows in the house in case of open space in the eastern and northern sections of the house, hence the temple in east or north is not inauspicious. Q: I have a nice spot in my garden where I want to place rose plants as a show-piece. One of my friend told me not to as it is bad for Vaastu. Should I believe him?

How to remove Vastu flaws from your home?

Relocation of the bed in the southwest corner of the bedroom to the southeast. It would minimize the negative effects. Sea salt is said to remove harmful energies and is suggested for the elimination of any Vastu flaw. Put a bowl of sea salt or camphor crystals inside the bedroom facing the northeast.