
What happens if you drink the heads?

What happens if you drink the heads?

The heads won’t make you blind, but the volatile alcohols they contain will give you a whopping hangover. The product also smells and tastes terrible, this is because of the acetone that is present.

What can you do with moonshine tails?

Some distilleries discard the whiskey heads and tails but many municipalities require onsite remediation before dumping them down the drain. Many other distilleries recycle the whiskey heads and tails by adding them to the next batch of fermenting mash.

Why do you throw away the first bit of moonshine?

Always dispose of the first bit of moonshine, in order to avoid contamination with methanol (which has a lower boiling point than ethanol). Contagion with methanol can be noticed by the bad smell and taste of your moonshine and needs to be avoided, since it is toxic.

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Can you drink moonshine straight from the still?

Definitely! Moonshine is traditionally sipped straight, right out of the jar. You can also drink it in shots.

Can you drink moonshine mash?

Moonshine mash is a popular way to make an alcoholic beverage using a few basic ingredients. Then, ferment the mash so it becomes alcoholic and distill it so it tastes great as a drink. You can then sip moonshine mash on its own or add it to cocktails or other drinks for a little kick.

What to do with heads distilling?

Once the distiller makes the first cut, the heads are generally either disposed of or redistilled in able to collect more alcohol from them. After the distiller has decided that the quality of the incoming distillate is good enough to keep for drinking purposes, they will cut to “hearts”.

How drunk does moonshine get you?

You’ll feel mildly drunk until you get used to it and then it’ll just be a warm feeling as it goes down. As long as you stick to the one shot glass a day, and don’t let it creep up into pints, you’re fine. The quality of the moonshine.

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How much is a head of moonshine?

In general, roughly 20-30\% of the liquid collected during a distillation run will be heads.

Can you drink the heads?

Do you refrigerate moonshine?

Moonshine doesn’t require refrigeration for storage but storing your moonshine in a fridge won’t damage your spirits. The only elements that can change your moonshine are light, heat, and oxygen if your bottle is opened. If your moonshine is exposed to any of these elements, the flavor can be affected.

Are the heads of moonshine bad for You?

The heads are not necessarily dangerous to drink, but they don’t taste as good or go down smoothly. Heads generally contain some undesirable chemicals, which is why people blame them for hangovers. Heads are generally 20-30\% of your moonshine run. Set them aside for re-distillation later (“the feints”). 3. Hearts

What to do with heads of moonshine?

Heads generally contain some undesirable chemicals, which is why people blame them for hangovers. Heads are generally 20-30\% of your moonshine run. Set them aside for re-distillation later (“the feints”).

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Does moonshine have alcohol in it?

The tail-end of your moonshine run will contain some alcohol, but also a lot of water and other by-products that don’t add to the flavor or potency of your moonshine. They make up 20-30\% of the moonshine run, and should also be set aside with the heads for another later distillation (“the feints”).

Is it safe to drink moonshine from the jar?

A rule of thumb is to discard any moonshine in the collection jar when the mash temperature reaches 174 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything produced before that temperature is methanol. 2. Heads The heads are not necessarily dangerous to drink, but they don’t taste as good or go down smoothly.