
What happens if you hit your head on a ceiling fan?

What happens if you hit your head on a ceiling fan?

While a fan blade is not likely to cut off your arm, its momentum is sufficient to cause extensive tissue and nerve damage. Likewise, if a spinning fan blade collides with your head, you may suffer a concussion or another type of traumatic brain injury.

Can you get a concussion from hitting your head on a fan?

Household accidents that seem relatively minor can cause concussion. For example, striking your head on a ceiling fan while cleaning it or hitting your head while entering the attic or basement. Always be alert to low surfaces and items that could fall from shelves.

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Can a ceiling fan hurt you?

Ceiling fans can be serious and may lead to severe head, neck, back, and other injuries. Different factors can contribute to the injury, such as the size/weight of the fan unit, and the height of the ceiling.

Can you break your arm on a ceiling fan?

A2A. A standard residential ceiling fan cannot cut off your hand. Industrial ceiling fans probably couldn’t cut a hand off but they could break/mangle it. A whole house fan (usually located in an attic/upper floor) has 3′ blades and a belt drive motor and could likely cut a hand/fingers off.

What happens if you hit your head really hard?

Here’s a checklist to follow if you hit your head really hard: Yes, a significant blow to the head or other serious injuries can lead to a concussion, but don’t count out any minor incidents. Repeat injuries or multiple small bumps to the head can be just as harmful as a single injury, according to the Concussion Legacy Foundation.

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What does a headache on the side of your head feel like?

Your shoulders and neck can also be affected. Migraines can occur on one or both sides of your head, and can result in light and sound sensitivity, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, or paresthesia. Feels like: A severe throbbing or pulsating sensation.

What happens if you have a bump on your head?

When the bleeding is in just one area, it causes bruising and swelling (hematoma). Keep in mind that even a minor head bump can cause a large swelling.

What happens if you hit Your Head and bleed from it?

Check for signs of a more serious injury Very rarely, a serious whack to the head can result in a skull fracture causing potentially deadly bleeding (hemorrhage) and/or a blood clot (epidural or subdural hematoma). You’ll pretty much always get diagnosed initially with a concussion.