
What happens when you merge questions on Quora?

What happens when you merge questions on Quora?

You can merge together many duplicate questions at the same time. Just keep adding questions, then merge them all in one go. Everything gets merged together instantly: all of the answers, people wanting answers, and more. Answers are clearly marked as having originally answered a different phrasing of the question.

How can I edit my question?

You can edit a question you asked in a few simple steps:

  1. Go to your question’s page.
  2. Hover your mouse over the pencil icon next to the word Question and click Edit.
  3. Make your changes to the question.
  4. Click Save to confirm your changes.
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How do I merge questions on Quora?

, Has expertise in answering random questions about things she knows nothing about. Originally Answered: How do you merge questions on Quora?

What is merger Quora?

A merger occurs when two companies join together to form a new organization. There usually will be a new name. An acquisition is when one company takes over another. The acquired company ceases to exist, its assets being absorbed by the acquiring company.

How do you edit a question on Chegg?


  1. Go to the question you want to edit.
  2. Click the Edit question link.
  3. Make changes.
  4. Select a Course.
  5. Select a Subject.
  6. Click the Update button.

What is merging answer?

To merge is to take two or more groups of data and combine them into a single unified set.

How is a merger different from an acquisition?

A merger occurs when two separate entities combine forces to create a new, joint organization. An acquisition refers to the takeover of one entity by another. The two terms have become increasingly blended and used in conjunction with one another.

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Is editing other people’s writing harder than editing your own?

Editing our own writing may not be easy, but it is generally a walk in the park sipping an iced latte compared to the difficulty of editing another person’s writing, particularly if that person is a coworker, friend, or relative. Here are six tips to take the sting out of editing other people’s writing.

How do I set aside time to edit my writing?

Set aside regular time for your editing – but protect your own writing time too. That might mean: Doing your writing first, each day, then editing afterwards. Using your best time of day to write, and editing when you’re not feeling very creative. Having set days for writing and set days for editing (if you write/edit full-time, or close to it).

How do you feel when someone asks you to edit their novel?

When someone first hands you his novel to edit, you’re probably feeling a mixture of excitement, anticipation, and apprehension. You’re keen to read this great story, you’re flattered he wants your feedback… but you’re also a bit daunted by the task ahead.

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How does audio editing work at voquent?

Here at Voquent, we generally do the audio editing in-house, and the voice actors who record projects with us will send their audio completely raw, with no processing whatsoever. For us, this means we can do the edit from a clean start, and we’re not wasting time fixing someone else’s terrible—if well-intentioned—edits.