What happens when you reach the state of nirvana?

What happens when you reach the state of nirvana?

When you achieve nirvana, you stop accumulating bad karma because you’ve transcended it. You spend the rest of your life and sometimes future lives “working off” the bad karma you’ve already accumulated. Once you have fully escaped the karmic cycle, you achieve parinirvana — final nirvana — in the afterlife.

What remains after nirvana?

In Buddhism, parinirvana (Sanskrit: parinirvāṇa; Pali: parinibbāna) is commonly used to refer to nirvana-after-death, which occurs upon the death of someone who has attained nirvana during his or her lifetime. It implies a release from the Saṃsāra, karma and rebirth as well as the dissolution of the skandhas.

Where does the soul go after nirvana?

Where do the souls of Buddhists go after reaching Nirvana? – Quora. The mind (there is no soul according to Buddhism, just mind), doesn’t go anywhere. There is no places. The mind dreams up this experience.

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How do Buddhist achieve nirvana?

Buddhists believe that the human life is one of suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve enlightenment, or nirvana.

Is Nirvana possible for lay Buddhists?

While nirvana is possible for any person, in most Buddhist sects only monks attempt to achieve it. Lay Buddhists — Buddhists outside the monastic community — strive instead for a higher existence in their next life.

How does Nirvana work in Hinduism?

How Nirvana Works. By achieving nirvana, you can escape samsara, the cycle of reincarnation that characterizes both Hinduism and Buddhism. In each life, a soul is punished or rewarded based on its past actions, or karma, from the current life as well as earlier lives (which also include lives as animals).

What is the difference between Nirvana and arhats?

Buddhists who achieve nirvana with the help of a buddha guide become arhats, people who are enlightened but not omniscient. While nirvana is possible for any person, in most Buddhist sects only monks attempt to achieve it.

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What happens to karma when you reach Nirvana?

When you achieve nirvana, you stop accumulating bad karma because you’ve transcended it. You spend the rest of your life and sometimes future lives “working off” the bad karma you’ve already accumulated. Once you have fully escaped the karmic cycle, you achieve parinirvana — final nirvana — in the afterlife.