
What happens when you seal a cavity?

What happens when you seal a cavity?

What are dental sealants? Dental sealants are thin coatings that when painted on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars) can prevent cavities (tooth decay) for many years. Sealants protect the chewing surfaces from cavities by covering them with a protective shield that blocks out germs and food.

What is the process for filling a cavity?

The dentist applies a numbing gel to the gums. Once this has taken effect, they inject a local anesthetic into the gum. Using a drill or another specialized tool, the dentist removes the decayed area of the tooth. They then fill the hole in the tooth.

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Can you fix a cavity without drilling it and filling it?

But now there is a new cavity treatment called silver diamine fluoride (SDF). SDF is an FDA-approved liquid used to treat cavities without an injection or drilling. This new treatment can be great for young children, special needs/medically compromised patients, or anyone fearful of dental treatment.

Do sealants cause cavities?

In plain terms: If sealants are not properly placed, they can actually cause cavities by either creating ledges to catch plaque and food on or by sealing in bacteria and undetected decay to fester and grow underneath the material.

Are sealants the same as fillings?

A filling is used to repair damage that has occurred to a tooth, usually from dental decay. A sealant is used to cover a portion of a tooth to prevent damage from occurring.

Can I eat before a cavity filling?

It is recommended you do not have anything to eat or drink (except for water) at least 5 hours before your scheduled appointment. This will prevent food debris from lodging in your teeth, which can irritate you during a cleaning and give your dentist a little extra work to do.

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What is the difference between sealants and fillings?

What is cavity filling and how does it work?

The process of cavity filling, or tooth filling, prevents the cavity from becoming worse and helps to protect your teeth from further decay. Cavities themselves are holes in your teeth caused by bacteria. Getting cavities filled is more than filling in the hole in your tooth, however.

Do I need a dental filling for my cavities?

Cavities are caused by tooth decay due to food particles left that have eaten away at the teeth. Filling those cavities stops the corrosion of the teeth to preserve their integrity. However, not all patients need a dental filling when a cavity begins to form. Some cavities can wait, and here are the reasons.

What happens during the tooth-filling process?

During the tooth-filling process, a licensed dentist will remove bits of decayed tooth, clean the area, put in the filler material, and file down the filling so it does not affect the way you bite or chew. Cavities that go untreated can lead to more serious dental problems, including gum disease, infection, and bone loss.

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Is it better to fill a cavity or get a root canal?

There’s more possibility for damage because the filling can fall out, crack, or there can be a small opening between the filling and tooth that can could lead to decay and then a root canal. It’s best to wait on filling a cavity to see if it becomes bigger than to rush into treating it.