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What heroes can beat the flash?

What heroes can beat the flash?

Anyone with Infinity Stones can beat Flash, Silver Surfer can beat Flash, many cosmic charachters can beat flash because flash cant time travel to another planet. So anyone with unbreakable skin or suit is invincible to flash, super speed is a plus for the charachters.

Can Batman stop the flash?

Pitting Batman against the Flash appears to be a fairly one-sided match at first. However, Batman is always prepared for virtually any contingency – including facing down the Fastest Man Alive.

Who would win in a fight between Batman and the Flash?

The truth is, the winner will be who the writer wants it to be. The Flash is one of the strongest persons in de DC universe, no doubt, yet he got beaten by Deathstroke. The same would happen with The Flash against Batman, on paper, Flash would win 10/10 times, but the reality is different because writers want it to be.

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Who would win in a fight between the Flash and Green Arrow?

The Flash’s connection to the Speed Force gives him superhuman levels of stamina and durability, allowing the Flash to take large amounts of damage and fight for longer than the average man. If this was a fight between the Flash and Green Arrow without gadgets, it would almost certainly result in a victory for the Scarlet Speedster.

How does the Flash compare to the Dark Knight?

The Flash approaches crimes from a human angle, while Batman (as in so many aspects of his life) lacks the ‘human’ touch. This becomes a huge failing of The Dark Knight as The Flash #64 reaches its climax. Barry and the audience learn simultaneously that Batman knew there was something wrong with Gotham Girl mentally.

What is the difference between Batman and the Flash?

Batman is a skilled detective. The Flash is good at track and field events in those ridiculous running shorts. Batman is a frightening sociopath with an agenda. The Flash is good at track and field events, and being roughly taken by confused lonely bikers who also travel at great speed.