Tips and tricks

What if the universe was finite?

What if the universe was finite?

If the Universe were finite it would be 100 times larger than the horizon, which is the distance the light has travelled since the Big Bang. That would correspond to the size of the ‘doughnut’ of the torus. We could in principle be able to measure that with Planck.

Is it possible to escape the universe?

To our knowledge there is no way to escape our universe to another universe so it is impossible.

Why is it not possible to travel to the edge of the universe?

Unfortunately, since universe is technically expanding faster than the speed of light (due to the expansion of space between matter), it is theoretically impossible to ever reach the “edge” of the universe, since it will always be moving away faster than we could ever move towards it!

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Is the universe infinite or finite?

The universe may be infinite, but we can only see a finite section of it due to the finite speed of light.

Is there an infinite number of possibilities in the universe?

Our existence is inherently defined by boundaries and limitations, so an “endless” number of possibilities is inconceivable. However, if the universe is infinite, then there is a probability (however small) that the exact same arrangement of atoms and molecules exists elsewhere.

Is there an “outside” universe?

This suggests that there is an “outside” to the universe, as though one could theoretically step outside and then observe from outside the system. However, we have no evidence to suggest that such an “outside” exists, which makes a strong case for the infinite universe theory. Could It Be Infinite?

How much of the universe can we see?

The universe may be infinite, but we can only see a finite section of it due to the finite speed of light. We can only see those parts from which light has had time to reach us since the beginning of the universe – which means we can (in theory) see a spherical universe with radius of about 47 billion light years.