
What is a good amount of kudos on AO3?

What is a good amount of kudos on AO3?

For AO3 overall, the median number is 12 kudos. The orange graph shows every tag on the AO3 popular tag page that gets at least twice that — at least 24 kudos on average.

What fanfic has the most hits on AO3?

The story with the most hits (over 4.6 million as of December 5, 2021) is “All the Young Dudes”, set in the decades preceding the events of the Harry Potter books with a queer spin on the relationship between Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.

How do I get my fanfiction noticed on AO3?

  1. Promo other authors/read a lot of fanfic.
  2. Write long WIPs that update frequently.
  3. Learn from other fandoms.
  4. Be different!
  5. Link your social networking accounts at the bottom of your fic.
  6. Make a gifset/photoset for your fic or commission fanart.
  7. Be consistent across platforms.
  8. Talk to your readers.
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What is the longest fanfiction on AO3?

Subspace Emissary Worlds Conquest at 4.10 MILLION words.

Can you un kudos on Ao3?

Can I disable kudos on my works? We don’t offer an option to disable kudos at this time. However, you can opt not to receive notifications that someone has left kudos on your works.

What story has the most kudos on AO3?

As of 8 June 2014, the fanwork with the most kudos on the AO3 was DILF by twentysomething, with 11777 kudos. However, by 29 August 2014, it had been dethroned by I Am Groot, with 12867 kudos. As of 2020, I Am Groot is still in the lead, with over 80 thousand kudos.

What do Kudos mean on AO3?

One modern definition is “praise given for achievement”. As an Archive feature, kudos are a quick and easy way to let a creator know that you like their work. Once you successfully leave kudos on a work, there will be a message that says “Thank you for leaving kudos!”

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What story on AO3 has the most kudos?

What are the best times to post on AO3?

Olcalhoun collected over 50,000 data points, and found that the best times to post on Ao3 were Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, from 12pm to 5pm PST. It’s science!

What is the most popular fandom on AO3?

The top four fandoms on AO3 are Marvel, Supernatural, Sherlock, and Harry Potter – in that order; meanwhile, the corresponding data for FF.Net reveals that its writers gravitate towards Harry Potter, Naruto, Twilight, and Supernatural.

Do you like getting kudos on AO3?

If people want to say that they like your story on fanfiction.net then they have to write a review. On ao3 they can just press a button that doesn’t actually tell you anything. I mean, I like getting kudos too, but it’s not the same as hearing someone’s thoughts on the story. You’re not forced to give thoughts on someone else’s story, though.

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What statistics are available in AO3?

Statistics that can be viewed this way include the work’s word count, chapter count, number of kudos, number of public bookmarks, and hit count. These statistics are visible to all visitors of the work’s page whether or not they have an Archive of Our Own ( AO3) account. What do Statistics track?

Do you prefer AO3 or fanfiction net?

I like fanfiction.net mostly because of how populous it is. There are tons of active users, and it’s the first Google result for “fan fiction.” So yeah, you and I are in the same boat it seems. Both have their good and bad points. AO3 has better tagging, but it has too many tagging.

What do the kudos on my profile mean?

Kudos are marks that indicates a visitor has enjoyed your work. The number of kudos in the Totals box on your Statistics page (refer to Where do I find Statistics? for instructions) is the total number of kudos you have received for all of your works.