
What is a sensible verb?

What is a sensible verb?

To make (someone or something) sensitive or responsive to certain stimuli. To make (someone) increasingly aware of, in a concerned or sensitive way.

Is Nonsensible a word?

adjective. Not accessible to investigation by the senses; inapprehensible.

Is sensitive a noun or verb?

noun, plural sen·si·tiv·i·ties for 2, 3. the state or quality of being sensitive; sensitiveness. Physiology. the ability of an organism or part of an organism to react to stimuli; irritability.

Is sensibleness a word?

adj. 1. a. Acting with or exhibiting good judgment; reasonable: a sensible person; a sensible choice.

Is sensible an adverb?

In a sensible manner; in a way that shows good sense. (dated or formal) In a way that can be sensed or noticed; perceptibly.

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What is the prefixes of sensible?

In many cases, pairs of words with the same root and the prefix[in-]in one of them are opposite in meaning. However, the words sensible and insensible are not opposites for all the meanings of the root, -sens-. Thus, one of the meanings of sensible is “showing good sense or judgment; wise; not foolish.

What is the opposite of sensible in English?

Opposite of having or showing good sense or judgment. irrational. unreasonable. foolish. illogical.

What does Inapprehensible mean?

(ɪnˌæpriˈhɛnsəbəl ) adjective. that cannot be apprehended, or understood.

What is noun of great?

greatness. The state, condition, or quality of being great.

What is difference between sensible and sensitive?

A sensible person makes good decisions and judgements based on reason rather than emotion. A sensitive person is easily upset or offended by other people’s remarks or behaviour. …

Who is a sensible woman?

term largely used in the 20’s to describe women who acted contrary to what was commonly expected by going out, drinking, smoking, dancing, wearing make-up etc.

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What is the adjective of sensible?

sensible. / (ˈsɛnsɪbəl) / adjective. having or showing good sense or judgmenta sensible decision.

What is sensible as a noun?

– To make (someone or something) sensitive or responsive to certain stimuli. – To make (someone) increasingly aware of, in a concerned or sensitive way. – Synonyms: – Examples:

What is mean by Sensible?

1. a. Acting with or exhibiting good judgment; reasonable: a sensible person; a sensible choice. b. Not ornate or impractical: a sensible hairdo; sensible shoes. 2. Having a perception of something; cognizant: “I am sensible that a good deal more is still to be done” (Edmund Burke). See Synonyms at aware. 3.

What is the antonym for Sensible?

Antonyms for (adjective) sensible. Main entry: sensible, sensitive Definition: able to feel or perceive Usage: even amoeba are sensible creatures; the more sensible parts of the skin. Antonyms: insensible Definition: incapable of physical sensation Usage: insensible to pain; insensible earth.

What does a sensible person do?

A sensible person makes good decisions and judgements based on reason rather than emotion. She was a sensible girl and did not panic. Sensitive has two meanings. A sensitive person is easily upset or offended by other people’s remarks or behaviour.