
What is an example of condescension?

What is an example of condescension?

The definition of condescending is acting in a way that shows a superior attitude. An example of condescending is a parent who speaks to her grown child as if he were still a toddler. You always treat me like a child – ugh!

What is an example of a condescending sentence?

She was tired of the condescending tone he took when he discussed her fitness routine. His condescending attitude made it clear Steve thought he was superior to all of the other interns. Nathan acted as if he was superior to everyone in the room, using condescending words in every conversation.

What is condescension God?

McConkie (1915–85) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles elaborates, “’The condescension of God,’ of which the scriptures speak, means that the Immortal Father—the glorified, exalted, enthroned ruler of the universe—came down from his station of dominion and power to become the Father of a Son who would be born of Mary.

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How do you use condescension?

Condescension sentence example

  1. Natasha did not like the visitor’s tone of condescension to childish things.
  2. There was a shade of condescension and patronage in his treatment of Berg and Vera.

Is it bad to be condescending?

In the emotional sciences, condescension usually connotes contempt. It’s bad enough to think you’ve been condescended to, but it’s even worse to face the idea that your boss or colleague might actually be thinking of you with contempt.

How can I be condescending?

10 Behaviors People Find Condescending

  1. Explaining things that people already know.
  2. Telling someone they “always” or “never” do something.
  3. Interrupting to correct people’s pronunciation.
  4. Saying “Take it easy”
  5. Saying you “actually” like an idea.
  6. Doling out compliment sandwiches.
  7. Demeaning nicknames like “Chief” or “Honey”

Who is Jesus way of condescension?