What is another fruit like a banana?

What is another fruit like a banana?

Like bananas, plantains are originally from Southeast Asia. However, they are now grown all over the world, including in India, Egypt, Indonesia and tropical regions of the Americas. Plantains are usually larger and tougher than bananas, with much thicker skin. They may be green, yellow or very dark brown.

Are bananas the best fruit in the world?

Bananas are one of the healthiest fruits in the world because they are packed full of vitamins and minerals – especially potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C.

Are plantains fruit?

Cooking banana/Fruit or Vegetable

Is eating banana good for skin?

Bananas act as a great exfoliator and help in sloughing off excess sebum on the skin’s surface. Bananas contain high level of antioxidants and act as nature’s Botox, preventing fine lines and wrinkles from forming. Bananas are loaded with many nutrients like vitamin A, zinc, and manganese, which are anti-inflammatory.

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Why do bananas ripen other fruits?

“Bananas make other fruit ripen because they release a gas called ethene (formerly ethylene),” added Dr Bebber. “This gas causes ripening, or softening of fruit by the breakdown of cell walls, conversion of starches to sugars and the disappearance of acids. “Some fruits, like oranges, don’t respond to ethene,…

Why can’t you store Bananas together?

The gas is released during the ripening process and can reduce the shelf-life of other fruit and vegetable nearby. Bananas should be stored on their own, otherwise they could ruin the shelf-life of other fruits. The supermarket has compiled a handy table showing which are best to store together and those to keep apart.

Is a banana a fruit or a vegetable?

Quora User, Fruits, vegetables expert. A banana is botanically a fruit and can be culinary wise a vegetable when considered as such. Vegetable is a foodgroup and has nothing to do with botany. Any part of any plant can be a vegetable if culinary convention groups it like that.

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Are bananas and apple trees the same thing?

Apple trees are trees, not fruit. Pears, blueberries, grapes, bananas, etc. are all fruit and neither trees, bushes, vines, nor herbs. Bananas are no more the same thing as the plant the grow on than grapes are the same thing as the plant they grow on. Bananas are not herbs.