
What is another meaning of valuable?

What is another meaning of valuable?

precious, costly, high-priced, high-cost, expensive, dear, worth its weight in gold, worth a king’s ransom, priceless, beyond price, without price, of incalculable value, of incalculable worth, of inestimable value, of inestimable worth, of immeasurable value, of immeasurable worth, invaluable, irreplaceable.

What are examples for valuable?

The definition of valuable is something that is worth a lot, either in terms of money or in terms of being useful or loved. An example of valuable is a ring worth $1,000,000. An example of valuable is your dime store ring that your husband gave you on your first date that has sentimental value.

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What type of word is valuable?

valuable adjective (IMPORTANT)

What is difference between value and valuable?

According to Webster’s Dictionary, VALUE means “Monetary or material worth”. Again, according to Webster’s Dictionary, VALUABLE means “1. Of high monetary or material value 2. Of great importance, utility, or service”.

What is the opposite of valuable?

valuable. Antonyms: cheap, vile, worthless, valueless. Synonyms: precious, costly, estimable.

What does valued member mean?

He was a valued member of the team. … which means that he was a useful member whose value to the team is appreciated by others. Typical uses of valuable are: It was a valuable item, being valued at $5000.

Can a person be valuable?

If you describe something or someone as valuable, you mean that they are very useful and helpful.

What is another word for most valuable?

most valuable

  • admired.
  • appreciated.
  • cherished.
  • esteemed.
  • held dear.
  • hot property.
  • in demand.
  • of value.

What does the name valuable mean?

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[val-yoo-uh-buhl, -yuh-buhl] See more synonyms for valuable on adjective. having considerable monetary worth; costing or bringing a high price: a valuable painting; a valuable crop.

What is considered valuable?

Valuable(adj) worthy; estimable; deserving esteem; as, a valuable friend; a valuable companion. Valuable(noun) a precious possession; a thing of value, especially a small thing, as an article of jewelry; — used mostly in the plural.

What does “most valuable” mean?

most-valuable (adj) designating the player judged to be the most important to the sport “the most-valuable player award”

What word means the opposite of valuable?

Valuable means of considerable value, and invaluable means incapable of being valued. If you need an opposite of valuable, there are many options such as inexpensive , cheap, and worthless .