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What is at the end of a wormhole?

What is at the end of a wormhole?

A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime (i.e., different locations, different points in time, or both). Wormholes are consistent with the general theory of relativity, but whether wormholes actually exist remains to be seen.

Can a wormhole swallow Earth?

Probably not. Despite their large mass, stellar black holes only have a radius of around 300 kilometers or less, making the chances of a direct hit with us miniscule. Although because their gravitational fields can affect a planet from a large distance, they could be dangerous even without a direct collision.

What happens if a wormhole collapses?

As long as a wormhole has a greater mass than any black hole it encounters, it should remain stable. If a wormhole encounters a larger black hole, the black hole may disrupt the wormhole’s exotic matter enough to destabilize the wormhole, causing it to collapse and likely form a new black hole, Gabella said.

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Do wormholes have a gravitational pull?

Wormholes are a portal from one side of spacetime to the other. Since spacetime defines gravity, a wormhole is an extreme case of spacetime having no gravity.

Is it possible to travel through a wormhole?

Time Travel Is Possible Through Wormholes—but You Can Only Ever Go Backward. By On 11/17/17 at 12:41 PM EST. A supermassive black hole with a negative mass/energy counterpart could create a wormhole.

Could a supermassive black hole create a wormhole?

A supermassive black hole with a negative mass/energy counterpart could create a wormhole. Time travel through a wormhole is technically feasible under the rules of theoretical physics—the only catch is that we can only ever go backward.

How fast does a wormhole age?

If we talk about the same speeds as we did earlier, the “in motion” end of the wormhole would have aged 40 years, but the “at rest” end would only have aged by one year.