
What is causing dents in my fingernails?

What is causing dents in my fingernails?

The indentations can appear when growth at the area under the cuticle is interrupted by injury or severe illness. Conditions associated with Beau’s lines include uncontrolled diabetes and peripheral vascular disease, as well as illnesses associated with a high fever, such as scarlet fever, measles, mumps and pneumonia.

What deficiency causes dents in fingernails?

If your body is low in protein, calcium, zinc, or vitamin A, a deficiency can sometimes be revealed by ridges in your fingernails.

Why do my nails dip in the middle?

Are your nails spoon-shaped? This is when your nails get thin and dip down in the middle, sometimes with raised ridges. It can be a sign of heart disease, trauma, lupus, low thyroid, or a problem with iron — either too little or too much.

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How do you get dents out of your nails?

Treating nail pitting is often a long-term process that doesn’t always have the best results. You may want to cosmetically repair already pitted nails by scraping, filing, or polishing. In rare cases, you may opt to have them removed through surgery so that the nail tissue can regrow.

Should I be worried about Beau’s lines?

Deep horizontal ridges, called Beau’s lines, are often symptoms of a serious condition. They may actually stop nail growth until the underlying condition is treated. Acute kidney disease may also be present if Beau’s lines appear.

What are Beau lines on nails?

You may be referring to Beau’s lines, which are grooves that run horizontally across the nail plate. They usually develop when nail plate growth, which begins in the nail matrix (located under the cuticle), is temporarily disrupted.

Can thyroid problems cause nail problems?

Thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism may cause brittle nails or splitting of the nail bed from the nail plate (onycholysis). Severe illness or surgery may cause horizontal depressions in the nails Beau lines.

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Why does my fingernail have a big dent?

Skin conditions such as psoriasis or a fungal infection can sometimes cause small dents or pits in fingernails. A deficiency of vitamin B-12 or iron can often result in nail ridges or dents. A large indentation can also be due to “spoon nails,” so-called because the nail becomes concave and shaped like a little spoon.

What causes fingernails to become indented?

Indented nails can be indented in different places and have pitting, or they may be indented inwards to appear similar to spoons. Indented nails that appear like spoons may be the result of iron-deficiency anemia, iron overload in the body, Raynaud’s disease or due to the autoimmune disease lupus erythematosus.

Why are there dents on my Nail?

When little dents start appearing in your fingernails, more often than not, it is caused due to an inflammatory skin condition called psoriasis. This condition appears as red, scale-like patches on the skin and can affect the skin cells in the nails as well, thus making them appear like little dents.

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What causes dents in fingernails and toenails?

Dents and grooves on fingernails and toe nails can be caused by several things including stress, vitamin deficiencies, and cysts from arthritis. It depends on the exact characteristics and appearance of the nail.