Tips and tricks

What is difference between genius and intelligent?

What is difference between genius and intelligent?

A genius is more creative than a person who is merely intelligent. It is creativity that leads to invention of new products and is labeled as a prerequisite in a genius. Intelligence helps in adapting to different circumstances easily though it does not need genius.

Why do people avoid solving the genius-failure paradox?

What makes matters worse is they avoid solving the dilemma because of pride. The genius-failure paradox describes that people who want to feel smarter, wealthier, or generally superior to others refuse to seek help in dealing with people. You can feel inferior learning a skill like communication that you believe should be natural.

Do smart people have better communication skills than dumb people?

Studies show there is little to no correlation between IQ and emotional intelligence and that smart people are as likely to be good at communicating as “dumb people”. But I’ve observed smart people with poor communication skills make common mistakes in their communication. Intelligence can work against you.

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Why is it so hard to have a conversation with intelligent people?

Intelligent people tend to care what they say in conversation. They place more importance on their words than others, and this can mean they overthink their responses. A lot of casual conversation takes place spontaneously, on automatic pilot. Once you start thinking too much, it gets more difficult to speak without seeming awkward.

What is the weakness of an intelligent person?

An intelligent person’s strength is often their logic, which means their weakness is emotions. When it comes to dealing with emotions… a lot of smart people (guys especially) become totally uncomfortable and frozen. Maybe they start to repress or run away from the emotions… especially the bad ones like fear.