
What is embedded system in MTech?

What is embedded system in MTech?

M. Tech. Embedded Systems is a four semester Work Integrated Learning Programme designed for engineers working in the embedded systems industry (automotive, avionics, consumer electronics, medical devices, defense, and processor design) who want to gain knowledge in state-of-the-art tools and theories.

Can MTech be done after be?

A. Candidates who have completed their BE/BTech degree with a valid score in GATE are eligible for ME/MTech degree course. Candidates with a 5-year program in Science or Applied Sciences resulting in the award of a Master of Science degree can also apply for the MTech degree course.

What is an MTech in embedded systems?

M.TECH. Embedded SYSTEMS. M.Tech. Embedded Systems is a four-semester Work Integrated Learning Programme designed for engineers working in the embedded systems industry (automotive, avionics, consumer electronics, medical devices, defense, and processor design) who want to gain knowledge in state-of-the-art tools and theories.

Why many students are not interested in embedded systems?

Many students are not aware of the lucrative opportunities available in the field of Embedded Systems. Most graduates go after the popular “IT” industry to seek a good career. I think there are 2 reasons for this 1)lack of awareness 2) entry barrier.

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What are the advantages of doing MTech after BTech?

You know the mistakes you made in B.Tech thus u can avoid them and improve to recover from them. The second advantage of doing M.Tech is that you add a value to education and will definitely have benefit in the long run. As we are moving ahead in life our educational qualifications are becoming more and more important.

How long does it take to learn embedded systems?

Most fresh graduates are unemployable in Embedded systems (unless some mavericks build their own way up learning all themselves). To supplement this, fresh graduates take 3 or 6 months additional training. This will help them to land at an entry level job, usually in a medium level company.