
What is exciting about being a student at Boston University?

What is exciting about being a student at Boston University?

The best thing about Boston University is its diversity. BU has a diverse community with people from all backgrounds, religious, cultural, and academic alike. BU also has a diverse range of academic majors with over 10 schools to choose from the Fine Arts to Engineering, there are interests for all!

What is Boston University undergrad known for?

Boston University created one of the country’s first study abroad programs and is considered one of the nation’s best. The school offers 100 programs in over 20 countries. Students often consider study abroad as one of the most rewarding experiences offered by BU.

What do Boston University students do for fun?

Some of the popular activities include going to hockey games, sitting on the BU beach (our quad) and hopping around to all the different performances we have on campus. I like that there is something here for everyone.

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What makes Boston University so special?

With some 650 courses on global topics, faculty research on every continent, students from nearly 100 countries, and alumni living in over 180 of the world’s countries, it’s easy to see why BU ranks among the world’s top universities. Plus, our study abroad program is widely considered among the nation’s best.

What are the values of Boston University?

Boston University core values include “celebrating thinkers, extraordinary teaching, groundbreaking research, and embracing diversity.” The presence of these values creates a perfect environment where everyone, including the students and the faculty, can thrive.

Why are there college traditions?

Traditions play a unique role in the culture of student life. They have the poten- tial to teach students about the history of their institution, provide a means of building community, instill common values that span generations of students, and generate pride and enthusiasm.

What activities are at Boston University?

Student Activities

  • Anime Club.
  • Archaeology Society.
  • Art History Association.
  • Beekeepers.
  • BosTones a Capella Group.
  • Curling Club.
  • Deaf Studies Club.
  • Film Society.
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What do Boston College students do on the weekends?

There are always all campus social events on weekends, things like dance shows, theatre performances, dance parties. These events are more prevalent in the beginning of the semester as a way to get everyone adapted to being back on campus or on campus for the first time.

What does Boston University specialize in?

The most popular majors at Boston University include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Social Sciences; Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Engineering; Health Professions and Related Programs; Psychology; Computer and Information Sciences …