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What is GitHub for non technical people?

What is GitHub for non technical people?

Github is actually two things: Git and Hub. Git is an open source version control software. Github does not really own the Git software, but they have created a platform for people to more easily access and collaborate using Git.

How do you explain what GitHub is?

GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.

Can beginners use GitHub?

What’s more, you can actually use GitHub without knowing ANY code at all. You don’t really need a tutorial to sign up and click around. But I do think that there’s merit to learning things the hard way first, by which I mean, with plain old coding in Git.

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What is Git why we use GitHub technical skills?

Git is used to coordinate the workflow among project team members and track their progress over time. It also benefits both programmers and non-technical users by keeping track of their project files. Git allows multiple users to work together without disrupting each other’s work.

What does git stand for?


Acronym Definition
GIT Geospatial Information Technology
GIT Get It Together
GIT Generic Identifier Transport
GIT Global Information Technology

How do I learn Git?

How Git works

  1. Create a “repository” (project) with a git hosting tool (like Bitbucket)
  2. Copy (or clone) the repository to your local machine.
  3. Add a file to your local repo and “commit” (save) the changes.
  4. “Push” your changes to your main branch.
  5. Make a change to your file with a git hosting tool and commit.

What is GitHub for non-technical users?

An introduction to GitHub definitions, structure, and uses geared towards non-technical makers and business leaders. GitHub is a key technology when it comes to software development, but getting started — or getting familiar — can often be intimidating for non-technical users.

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How do you explain GitHub to a beginner?

Tell them that Github is in a few words: “A version control system”. And Git, is the tool, to control that version control system.

Should I tell my friends about GitHub?

Github is usually where people use git to save things to. Everyone can access it and share stuff with each other if they want. I think it’s only worth telling them more than that if they ask about it.

What is the purpose of Git?

I’d just say git is a way to store something… written, like a magazine article. It lets people create new versions of it, as well as have access to previous versions saved along the way. Github is usually where people use git to save things to. Everyone can access it and share stuff with each other if they want.