
What is healthier bourbon or red wine?

What is healthier bourbon or red wine?

In a speech at the EuroMedLab conference in 2005, Dr. Jim Swan, who, granted, is a consultant to the drinks industry, reported that whiskey contains more ellagic acid (a free-radical fighting antioxidant) than red wine. “There has been much in the news about the health benefits of antioxidants in red wine.

Is whiskey more harmful than wine?

Single malt whiskies have more ellagic acid than red wine. ‘ As well as having an actively positive effect on the body, whisky is also the healthiest alcohol you can drink. A double whisky contains around 105 calories, compared to a standard glass of red wine containing around 160 calories.

What is healthier liquor or wine?

Wine, which clocks in at 120 to 130 calories per 5-ounce pour, is a slightly better option for your waistline. Spirits, which are around 100 calories per 1.5 ounces, appear to be the smartest option—unless you’re shaking them up with various sugar-packed cocktail ingredients.

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How many shots of whiskey equal a glass of wine?

All things being considered, one 1.5 oz shot of liquor is equivalent to 5 oz of wine. Remember that red wine and white wine have different alcohol by volume levels. Most restaurants serve wine in a five or six ounce glass. In essence, one 1.5 oz shot equals a full glass of wine.

What is the healthiest shot of liquor?

“Clear liquors like vodka, tequila, and gin are lowest in sugar and calories and are easiest for our bodies to metabolize,” Kober says.

How bad is bourbon for your liver?

Because your liver breaks down alcohol in your body, heavy drinking can lead to liver disease. High amounts of alcohol cause fatty deposits in your liver and scarring, which can eventually cause liver failure.

What can I replace wine with when drinking?

If Our Wine Expert Couldn’t Drink Wine, Here’s What She’d Reach For

  • San Pellegrino Pesca & Te. My obsession with fun things to drink extends well beyond wine.
  • Lakewood Organic Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate.
  • Fee Brothers Grapefruit Bitters.
  • Pear Nectar.
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Is vodka better than wine for your liver?

Myth 3: Drinking hard liquor is worse than drinking beer or wine. The type of alcohol you drink doesn’t make a difference – it’s all about how much of it you drink. “The safe limit is fixed at 14 units a week,” explains Dr Lui. “Below this limit, alcoholic fatty liver is less likely to occur.

Is red wine healthy?

Research suggests that drinking an occasional glass of red wine is good for you. It provides antioxidants, may promote longevity, and can help protect against heart disease and harmful inflammation, among other benefits. Interestingly, red wine likely has higher levels of antioxidants than white wine.

Is whiskey as good for you as red wine?

It’s just that my go-to celebration drink is whiskey, not wine … and you never see articles floating around about the health benefits of whiskey. Until now. Delightfully, MSN kicked off 2018 with an article about how whiskey is as good for you as red wine — and in fact, it might actually be better.

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Is a glass of wine a day good for your health?

You’ve mostly heard in one way or another that a glass of wine every day can actually be good for your overall health, but some recent studies have argued that it’s better to avoid drinking the vino on a regular basis. So what actually happens to your health if you drink a glass of wine every night?

Are there any health benefits to drinking bourbon?

Now that you’ve got its history, are there any benefits to drinking bourbon and other whiskeys? Surprisingly, the answer is yes! First, it’s important to note that health experts recommend women enjoy no more than one serving (two for men) of alcohol (for hard liquor, that’s 1.5 ounces) daily, per the official Dietary Guidelines for Americans .

Can drinking whiskey help you live longer?

The longevity boost doesn’t end there. Multiple studies showed a moderate amount of whiskey (no more than seven servings a week) lowers your risk of heart disease and heart failure, according to Forbes.