
What is it called when the reader knows something that the character doesn t?

What is it called when the reader knows something that the character doesn t?

Dramatic irony is when the audience knows more than the character. It creates tension and suspense. Situational irony occurs when there is a difference between what is expected to happen and what actually happens.

Which character never appear on stage?

Within the hundreds of examples of absent characters in modern drama, the type most typically seen—and the easiest for a dramatist to write well—is the offstage character, or the character that never appears in a scene presented in front of the audience.

Why are other characters important in a story?

Although there’s always a main character, whom we learn the most about, he or she plays off other characters. This makes the other characters important too because, through each interaction, we learn more and more about the main character. This is otherwise known as characterization.

What makes a good character interesting to read?

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Given their ability to dip in and out of deviant behavior, they can be exciting characters. There’s a lot of depth to them. And as they color outside the lines, they, too, will have to face some type of conflict. Good, bad, or otherwise, most main characters will be faced with an antagonist, or villain.

How many types of characters are there in fiction?

There are nine types of characters generally found in fiction (and movies too). All of them have a role to play in driving the story, regardless of how large or small that role is. Let’s take a look at the types of characters in fiction.

What is characterization in fiction?

This is otherwise known as characterization. There are nine types of characters generally found in fiction (and movies too). All of them have a role to play in driving the story, regardless of how large or small that role is. Let’s take a look at the types of characters in fiction.