
What is it like being an introvert?

What is it like being an introvert?

Introverts tend to feel at peace when they’re alone. Alone time doesn’t feel boring, lonely, or empty. Instead, an introvert feels their deepest experiences when pondering, dreaming or thinking on their own. And even simple solo activities like reading or drawing feel refreshing to an introvert.

Can you grow into an introvert?

Introversion is considered a temperament — a general way of approaching the world — so for the vast majority of people, it won’t change dramatically over time. Once an introvert, always an introvert. In fact, research shows that most people get more introverted as they get older.

Is it possible for an introvert to grow up and understand themselves?

There are more websites, books, and communities for introverts than ever before—enough that young introverts can grow up understanding their introversion, instead of feeling “wrong” like I did as a kid. But there’s no shortage of people who still don’t get it.

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Are introverts born with an innate temperament?

“Yes, children are born with an innate temperament. And yes, parents are vitally important to how that temperament is nurtured.” But she emphasizes that introverts are (mostly) born that way.

Should introverts go to birthday parties?

As an introvert you might want more social time one day and less another day, and as long as you’re within your “set points” you’re okay. But if the stimulation takes you beyond your upper set point—maybe by going to a big birthday party—we all know how drained you’re going to feel.

Is introversion genetic or environmental?

Specifically: The degree to which you are introverted or extroverted is influenced by genetics. Out of all the personality traits that have been studied, introversion/extroversion is one of the most strongly hereditary ones. Nonetheless, a lot of environmental factors-like how you’re raised-influence it too.