What is logical database name?

What is logical database name?

A logical database name is a database reference that represents the name of a connected physical database. OpenEdge uses the logical database name to resolve database references. When a procedure is compiled against a database, OpenEdge stores the logical database name in the procedure’s r-code.

What is physical table and logical table?

Logical tables are MicroStrategy objects that form the foundation of a schema. Physical tables in a data warehouse consist of columns, and logical tables in the MicroStrategy schema relate this column data to attributes and facts. This type of logical table maps directly to physical tables in the data warehouse.

What is physical table in SQL Server?

A physical table is an object in the Physical layer of the Administration Tool that corresponds to a table in a physical database. Physical tables are usually imported from a database or another data source, and they provide the metadata necessary for the Analytics Server to access the tables with SQL requests.

How do you change a logical name in database?

To change the logical file name, view the database properties by right click on the database -> properties. In the files page, we can view all the database files and their properties like file group, size, auto growth etc.

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What is physical name?

The physical name is the actual name the database uses to identify the table. This name is guaranteed to be unique and is system-defined.

What is logical and physical name in SQL Server?

SQL Server database files have two names: one is the logical file name and the other is the physical file name. The logical file name is used with some T-SQL commands, such as DBCC SHRINKFILE. If you want to change the logical file names of your database files then this tip will be very useful.

What is logical table?

Logical tables and logical table aliases represent physical tables in your data warehouse. Logical views are defined using SQL queries against the data warehouse, which can combine data from multiple physical tables into one logical table representation in MicroStrategy.

What is logical and physical data model?

A logical data model is a model that describes data as much as possible, without regard to how they will be physically implemented in the database. In contrast, a physical data model is a model that represents how the actual database is built.

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How do I rename the physical file name in SQL Server?

The physical database file names cannot be changed or renamed while the corresponding database is ONLINE because these files will be in use by SQL Server, so we need to bring our database OFFLINE. If you try to rename these files while your database is online, you will get the below error.

How can I change physical file name in SQL Server?

Rename the Physical Database File Name of a SQL Server Database

  1. Step 1 – Check Current Physical File Names.
  2. Step 2 – Detach Database.
  3. Step 3 – Validate Database Was Detached.
  4. Step 4 – Rename Physical Files.
  5. Step 5 – Attach Database.
  6. Step 6 – Validate Database Changes.

How do I find the database name in SQL Server?

You have two native options for finding out where the SQL server stores its database files: either right-click on the instance name in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and navigate to the ‘Database Settings’ tab, or use a T-SQL query.

What is a logical name in a database?

This article is going to look at the logical name in a database and how (if needed) you would change it using T-SQL or PowerShell. This is a property of a database file that you are really only going to see used to perform administration against the files of a database.

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What is physical file name in SQL Server?

Physical file name is the name of the physical file including the directory path. It belongs to OS hence must follow the rules for the operating system file names. You will hardly require to use physical file name inside SQL Server queries unless there is some operation relating to file path/name retrieval or modification.

How to find the logical name of a log file?

Regarding finding the file logical name you will simply pull the name column: As the log file of a database will always have a file_id of 2 you could use this metadata function to return the logical name: FILE_NAME (). The catch with using this function is it is works in the context of the current database.

Why do we use logical names in scripts?

Using the logical name can just make the script more easily to read, and understand what file your are touching. In the sections that follow I am just going to go over how you find the value and how to modify it. Restoring a database where you are moving the physical file to a new location.