What is meant by comment out?

What is meant by comment out?

Filters. (programming) To temporarily disable a section of source code by converting it into a comment. 2. To disable lines of code in a program by surrounding them with comment-start and comment-stop characters.

What is the opposite of comment out?

Visual Studio has a function called “Comment out the selected lines”. The opposite function is called “Uncomment the selected lines”.

Why is it bad to comment out code?

Having commented out code stops the flow of your eyes as you go down the code – there is a distraction and you want to know what it is. Even more time is then wasted trying to work out why the code was commented out and whether it might still be useful or not.

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What does uncomment mean in code?

Therefore to “uncomment” a line of code is done by removing the “//“ and causes the compiler to execute that line of code.

What is the comment character you used to comment out lines?

The Short Answer Or, to “comment out” a line, add a # character to the start of the line.

Should you remove commented out code?

Removing commented code not only makes it harder to find later, but it also makes it so people in the future don’t know it existed before. For finding the code, there are tools and git commands to help you look at the history of a file.

Should I remove comments from production code?

The general rule is that you should remove code that you don’t need any more, to keep the codebase as clean as possible. So, if you don’t expect your code to be re-used in the ‘near future’, remove it.

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How do you comment out in R?

If you use RStudio, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + C ( Command + Shift + C on macOS) to comment out a line of text.

What does uncomment mean in coding?

How do I uncomment in Intellij?

The same way works for uncommenting code inside a block comment – set the caret anywhere in the block comment, press Alt+Enter and choose Uncomment.

What does it mean to uncomment something in a comment?

To uncomment something means to remove the characters that makes it a comment. The expression only makes sense if the comment contains something that would work as code, usually something that was commented out earlier.

What is the difference between comment out and uncomment in Python?

To comment out is to render a block of code inert by turning it into a comment. In C# code for example, commenting out code is done by putting // at the start of a line, or surrounding the code with /* and */. Here the line inside the loop is commented out: To uncomment something means to remove the characters that makes it a comment.

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What is the meaning of the word comment out?

As reported by the NOAD, the meaning of comment out is “(computing) turn part of a program into a comment so that the computer ignores it when running the program.”. You could try commenting out that line.

How do I uncomment or comment out a line in word?

To uncomment the line, you’d remove the # character before it such that the text became: To comment out a line, you’d follow this process in reverse. For example, this text: Save the configuration file after making these changes. What is a Comment?