Tips and tricks

What is meant by the term work wife?

What is meant by the term work wife?

A work spouse is a co-worker of the opposite sex with whom you have a close platonic relationship. In many ways, these relationships can mirror a real marriage. According to a 2007 survey from, a career information Web site, 23 percent of workers reported that they had a work spouse.

How many people have a work spouse?

In some fields, a 34.5-hour week seems like a vacation. But no matter how much you work, it’s natural to form workplace friendships. That’s why just over half of women (50.2\%) and 44.4\% of men surveyed said they have had a work spouse.

What are signs a coworker is attracted to another coworker?

Inside jokes are signs a coworker is attracted to another. It’s Obvious. Sometimes you just have a gut feeling that your two workers are sexually attracted to each other. You’re looking at them talking and laughing down the hallway, and you know.

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Why do men find their female co-workers attractive?

Men often find their female coworkers especially attractive because they seem independent, successful, and competitive. You also likely spend a lot of your time at work speaking to other men, which can make them want you even more. Think you’re in the clear because you’re married?

Can you be romantically involved with a co-worker?

Sometimes being involved romantically with a co-worker can create complications when it comes to your career. For example, if your colleague is promoted to a supervisory position or is already a supervisor and is transferred to your department, it can be construed by the Human Resources department as a conflict of interest.

Do men think about sleeping with their coworkers?

Not only do men think about sleeping with their coworkers, they think about doing it right in the office itself. Maybe it’s a big desk, maybe it’s a bathroom, or a storage closet- chances are, the males in the office have thought about (ad maybe even discussed) the best place to do it at work. It’s not as crazy as it sounds, though.