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What is NASA trying to accomplish learn by sending Artemis to the Moon?

What is NASA trying to accomplish learn by sending Artemis to the Moon?

NASA Artemis. With Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. Then, we will use what we learn on and around the Moon to take the next giant leap: sending the first astronauts to Mars.

How the Artemis moon mission could help get us to Mars?

It could supply water and oxygen to sustain life-support systems, and it could also be split into hydrogen and oxygen to be used as rocket fuel. It could be used as shielding against space radiation and micrometeorite bombardment for any shelters that are built on the moon. We know there’s plenty of water ice on Mars.

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Why did NASA call it Artemis?

Artemis is the mythological Greek goddess of the Moon and twin sister of Apollo. The link with the mission which first launched humans to the Moon 50 years ago therefore is clear. The name ‘Artemis’ is doubly significant however, as one of NASA’s mission objectives is to land the first woman on the Moon.

Can NASA go back to the moon?

NASA has let go of its goal to return humans to the moon’s surface by 2024. In a timeline set by the Trump administration, NASA has been working toward landing humans on the moon by 2024 as part of its Artemis program.

What did NASA do on the moon?

A total of 12 astronauts walked on the moon. The astronauts conducted scientific research there. They studied the lunar surface. They collected moon rocks to bring back to Earth.

Will NASA return to the moon?

NASA Wants To Return To The Moon By 2024, But The Spacesuits Won’t Be Ready. The two NASA spacesuit prototypes, one for exploring the surface of the moon’s South Pole (left) and one for launch and reentry aboard the agency’s Orion spacecraft, won’t become a reality in time for a planned 2024 mission.

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Is NASA going to the Moon in 2024?

2024 is not going to happen NASA’s moonshot goal with Artemis is to return humans to the moon and create a sustained human presence on and around the lunar surface that will start with landing the first woman and the first person of color on the moon this decade.

Why is the Moon mission called Artemis?

Now, NASA will put the first woman and person of color on the Moon during Artemis. This program is aptly named after the Greek Goddess Artemis, the twin sister of Apollo. Artemis is the Goddess of the Moon, archery and more.

What is NASA’s Artemis I mission to the Moon?

Scheduled to take off in April, 2021, Artemis I kicks off the entire mission. But there will be no humans onboard this spacecraft. To convey astronauts safely to the Moon, NASA first needs to send a test spacecraft there with no humans on board. “This is a mission that truly will do what hasn’t been done and learn what isn’t known.”

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What is NASA doing on the Moon Right Now?

NASA Artemis With Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. We will collaborate with commercial and international partners and establish the first long-term presence on the Moon.

Will there be humans on the Artemis 1?

April 2021: Artemis I launches Scheduled to take off in April, 2021, Artemis I kicks off the entire mission. But there will be no humans onboard this spacecraft. To convey astronauts safely to the Moon, NASA first needs to send a test spacecraft there with no humans on board.

What is the Artemis program?

Ultimately the Artemis program wants to set up a sustainable presence of astronauts on the Moon, sending a crew up to the lunar surface every year. And to do that, the agency needs a rolling supply of astronauts. Do you have what it takes to join the mission?