
What is political correctness and why does it matter?

What is political correctness and why does it matter?

Just as George Orwell laid out so precisely in 1984, political correctness is the ‘Newspeak‘ which is threatening to limit our ability to freely speak and think, by reducing the number of available words in our vocabulary.

Is political correctness language control?

Political correctness is language control. And language control is thought control. Period! The rise of modern political correctness (PC) is a great example of the cunning way in which social engineers (such as the New World Order manipulators) operate. Political correctness is soft censorship.

Do Americans dislike political correctness?

“Most members of the ‘exhausted majority,’ and then some, dislike political correctness.” Except among a tiny minority of far-left Americans, political correctness (P.C.) is deeply unpopular. Some 80 percent of people said they viewed P.C. excess as a problem.

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Is political correctness Newspeak?

Just as George Orwell laid out so precisely in 1984, political correctness is the ‘ Newspeak ‘ which is threatening to limit our ability to freely speak and think, by reducing the number of available words in our vocabulary. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Political correctness (PC) refers to language that avoids offending persons of various genders, races, sexual orientations, cultures, or social conditions.

Is political correctness censorship?

Persons opposed to political correctness regard it as a form of censorship that quashes freedom of speech and dangerously restricts public debate on important social issues. They further accuse advocates of an extreme PC culture of creating offensive language where none had existed before.

What is the meaning of social justice?

The idea that social justice should be an integral ethic of a community is called Social Justice. It is also moderation in wealth, food, opportunities, education, etc. It is a means of creating room for equality and unity in the community.

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How does social justice promote balance in society?

Social Justice Promotes Balance. When social justice integrates as one of the ethics of a society, it sponsors balance. Social justice is the act of giving each and everyone in a community equal opportunities and resources. Both the poor and the rich are scaled equally, bringing balance in almost every aspect of the society.