
What is reasonable to expect from a relationship?

What is reasonable to expect from a relationship?

In a good enough relationship, people have high expectations for how they’re treated. They expect to be treated with kindness, love, affection, and respect. They do not tolerate emotional or physical abuse. People should not expect to solve all of the problems in their relationship, either.

Are expectations healthy in a relationship?

Expectations are an important part of any relationship. They help us set a baseline for the type of treatment that’s appropriate. It’s healthy, for instance, to expect our partners to love, respect, and support us, and for our partners to expect the same from us.

What are the expectations of a good relationship?

In a good enough relationship, people have high expectations for how they’re treated. They expect to be treated with kindness, love, affection, and respect. They do not tolerate emotional or physical abuse.

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Should you lower your expectations of your partner?

Many marital therapists tell couples to expect less. If you lower your expectations, the argument goes, then you won’t be disappointed by your partner. Expectations are resentments waiting to happen. This advice is wrong.

Is it bad to expect your partner to always be there?

It can become very destructive to a relationship to assume that your partner is (a) always going to be there, and (b) always going to make the first move to fix things. The hard truth is, there’s no guarantee that your person will stand by your side forever…so don’t treat them as such and avoid doing your own work to better your bond.

Are your unrealistic expectations ruining your relationships?

Having unrealistic expectations doesn’t make you a downright brat. I promise! If you tend to put very high expectations on yourself—talking to you, my dear perfectionists—in order to work harder and grow yourself, then you might be prone to having those expectations bleed into your relationships with other people.