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What is Sasaeng?

What is Sasaeng?

Sasaeng fans in K-pop refer to fans or people who are obsessed with an idol.

Where are Sasaengs?

The term sasaeng comes from the Korean words sa meaning ‘private’ and saeng meaning ‘life’, in reference to the fans’ intrusion into celebrities’ private lives, and the term is mostly used domestically in South Korea as well as other parts of Asia.

Who has the most anti fans in Kpop?

Which KPop Groups Has The Most Anti-fans 2019?

  • Momoland. Double Kick Company. 4385. 165.
  • Super Junior. SM Entertainment. 2476. 374.
  • IZ*ONE. CJ E&M. 353.
  • TWICE. JYP Entertainment. 232.
  • Red Velvet. SM Entertainment. 208.
  • EXO. SM Entertainment.
  • Big Bang. YG Entertainment.
  • Lovelyz. Woolim Entertainment.

What are sasaengs and why do they matter?

However, sasaengs take this support to the next level with more extravagant financial contributions. Although sasaengs may just seem like crazy fans to most westerners, they usually tend to be very strong, if not the strongest, financial supporters of their group – making companies, and to a certain extent, idols, reluctant to crack down on them.

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What are sasaengs in Kpop?

Let’s talk about sasaengs. Sasaengs are one of the most peculiar features to K-pop and one that leaves many western fans scratching their heads. What motivates fans to wait in the rain for hours outside an idol’s house, hack into Twitter accounts, or break into dorms?

Why is Seoul so popular for sasaeng?

In addition, unlike other countries which may have two or three major entertainment hubs, Seoul is the sole destination for music companies and artists. This accessibility is key in encouraging sasaeng culture. Idols are within a short, and relatively inexpensive, subway, train, or bus ride away.

How do sasaengs break into apartments?

Although it may seem amazing that sasaengs are able to break into apartment complexes and rooms, it’s actually as simple as finding the apartment building and walking in. A high-rise apartment building that many idols are reported to live in.