What is shelve instance in OpenStack?

What is shelve instance in OpenStack?

Somewhat unique to OpenStack Nova is the ability to shelve an instance. Instance shelving allows you to stop an instance without having it consume resources. A shelved instance will be retained as a bootable instance, as well as its resources assigned such as IP address, for a configurable amount of time, then deleted.

How do I close an instance in OpenStack?

To power off the VM:

  1. From the OpenStack dashboard for your project, select Compute>Instances. The list of existing instances appears.
  2. Check the VM you want to power off.
  3. From the Actions column, select Console from the list. The console opens.
  4. From the console, power off the VM. user@host>request system power-off.

Which command is used to pause an instance?

Suspend and resume an instance To suspend your instance, click the dropdown menu under the Action column next to your instance. From the menu, select ‘Suspend Instance’. To resume the instance, click the Resume Instance option from the dropdown menu.

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How do I check my OpenStack instance status?

Managing an instance¶

  1. Log in to the Dashboard. Select one of the projects, and click Instances.
  2. Select an instance from the list of available instances.
  3. Check the Actions column, and click on the More option. Select the instance state.

How do I open an instance in OpenStack?

Launch an instance

  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. Select the appropriate project from the drop down menu at the top left.
  3. On the Project tab, open the Compute tab and click Instances category.
  4. Click Launch Instance.
  5. In the Launch Instance dialog box, specify the following values:
  6. Click Launch Instance.

How do I open OpenStack?

  1. Log in to a controller node CLI.
  2. Restart the Glance services: # service glance-api restart # service glance-registry restart.
  3. Verify the status of the Glance services. See Verify an OpenStack service status.
  4. Repeat step 1 – 3 on all controller nodes.

Which commands are used to pause an instance in OpenStack?

Pause, suspend, stop, rescue, resize, rebuild, reboot an instance

  • $ nova pause NAME $ nova pause volumeTwoImage.
  • $ nova unpause NAME.
  • $ nova suspend NAME.
  • $ nova resume NAME.
  • $ nova stop NAME.
  • $ nova start NAME.
  • $ nova rescue NAME $ nova rescue NAME –rescue_image_ref RESCUE_IMAGE.

Where are OpenStack instances?

OpenStack clouds do not present file-level storage to end users. However, it is important to consider file-level storage for storing instances under /var/lib/nova/instances when designing your cloud, since you must have a shared file system if you want to support live migration.

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How do I list a virtual machine in OpenStack?

Source the admin RC file for your environment. Get a list of all VMs across all projects and users and copy it to a text file. This list can be pretty long if your environment has many users and only one region. In that case, you can filter the output using various parameters.

What are instances in OpenStack?

OpenStack virtual machines are called instances, mostly because they are instances of an image that is created upon request and that is configured when launched. In the persistent model, the instance is launched from a persistent volume on a compute node, or from a block storage volume, and not from the Image service.

How do I add an instance to OpenStack?

Go to Project → Compute → Instances.

  1. Click “Launch Instance”.
  2. Select Instance Boot Source (eg.
  3. Choose Flavor (eg.
  4. Click “Networks” and then choose desired networks.
  5. Open “Security Groups” After that, choose “allow_ping_ssh_rdp” and “default”.

Should I shelve or suspend OpenStack instances?

A third option is to shelve OpenStack instances. Where a suspended instance maintains all the information it currently has in RAM, this is not the case for a shelved instance. A shelved instance, however, does keep all of its associated resources.

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What happens when a server is shut down in OpenStack?

If the OpenStack Compute manager detects that the VM was powered down, it transitions the server to the SHUTOFF status. SOFT_DELETED: The server is marked as deleted but will remain in the cloud for some configurable amount of time.

What is the difference between a shelved and Unshelved instance?

A shelved instance, however, does keep all of its associated resources. So if the instance uses ephemeral storage, it maintains that resource when an admins shelves it, and continues to use that resource when unshelved. A shelved instance is actually shut down, which is not the case for suspended or paused instances.

What is the difference between shelved_offloaded and shutoff?

SHELVED_OFFLOADED: The shelved server is offloaded (removed from the compute host) and it needs unshelved action to be used again. SHUTOFF: The server was powered down by the user, either through the OpenStack Compute API or from within the server. For example, the user issued a shutdown -h command from within the server.