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What is soul in Jainism?

What is soul in Jainism?

Jain beliefs about the soul The Jain word that comes closest to soul is jiva, which means a conscious, living being. After each bodily death, the jiva is reborn into a different body to live another life, until it achieves liberation.

How does a soul attain moksha?

Moksha is the end of the death and rebirth cycle and is classed as the fourth and ultimate artha (goal). It is the transcendence of all arthas. It is achieved by overcoming ignorance and desires. It is a paradox in the sense that overcoming desires also includes overcoming the desire for moksha itself.

What happens after Nirvana?

Once Nirvana is achieved, and the enlightened individual physically dies, Buddhists believe that they will no longer be reborn. The Buddha taught that when Nirvana is achieved, Buddhists are able to see the world as it really is.

What happens after Nirvana Hinduism?

When a soul finally escapes the karmic cycle, it becomes one with Brahman when the last bodily incarnation dies. This is a higher plane of existence that transcends the suffering of earthly life. Essentially, the soul rejoins the intangible energy that created the universe.

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How does Jainism view afterlife?

The Jains have a fairly death positive outlook and believe death itself to be part of the rebirth cycle on the way to achieving enlightenment. In Jainism, death is not seen as a final moment where souls leave earth and enter an eternal world. Instead, death is linked to birth and the cycle of reincarnation.

What attaches to the soul causing rebirth?

Human moral actions form the basis of the transmigration of the soul (jīva). The soul is constrained to a cycle of rebirth, trapped within the temporal world (saṃsāra), until it finally achieves liberation (mokṣa). Karma particles are attracted to the soul by the actions of that soul.

What is moksha According to Geeta?

The Bhagavad Gita describes liberation or moksha as the attainment of individual’s natural state by relinquishing its imposed state. Liberation is the supreme and highest status beyond good and evil. The Gita maintains that liberation is supreme and highest bliss, which springs from union with god.