
What is the average density of the Earth answer?

What is the average density of the Earth answer?

5.51 gm/cm3
The approximate average density of the earth is 5.51 gm/cm3. This is an average of all of the material on the planet. The density of Earth is calculated by dividing the planet’s mass by its volume, then simplifying from kg/km to g/cm cubed. Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System.

What is its average density?

The average density of an object equals its total mass divided by its total volume.

What is average density of Earth Class 11?


How is the average density of Earth related to g?

Average density of the earth (1) Complex function of g (2) Does not depend on g (3) Inversely proportional to g (4) Directly proportional to g. The radius of the earth r = 6.37×106 m. Even though the earth is not exactly a sphere but it is close enough. ∴ g is directly proportional to average density.

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What is the average density of the Earth in kg m3?

5520 kilograms per cubic meter
We know, based upon a variety of measurement methods, that the density of the Earth is 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter. [This value is equal to 5520 kilograms per cubic meter.

Does average density of Earth depend G?

Answer: (4) The radius of the earth r = 6.37×106 m. Even though the earth is not exactly a sphere but it is close enough. ∴ g is directly proportional to average density.

What is the average density of an element?

Density of Elements Chart

Density Name Symbol
3.214 g/L Chlorine Cl
3.75 g/L Krypton Kr
5.9 g/L Xenon Xe
9.73 g/L Radon Rn

Does average density of Earth depends on G?

How can the average density of the Earth be determined?

The density of the Earth is 5.513 g/cm3. This is an average of all of the material on the planet. The density of Earth is calculated by dividing the planet’s mass by its volume, then simplifying from kg/km to g/cm cubed. Here is the density of the other planets in our Solar System so you can compare to Earth’s.

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What is the average density of Mars?

3.93 g/cm³

Does average density of Earth depends on g?

Does average density of Earth depends on acceleration due to gravity?

(a) Does not depend on g. Hint: in this question use the direct formula of the acceleration due to gravity that is ge=GMRe2, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the earth and Re is the radius of the earth. …

How do you calculate the average density of Earth?

The overall density of the earth is actually fairly easy to calculate: if density equals mass divided by volume, and we can find the mass and volume of the earth, the math is simple. Well, the volume is easy – we can easily arrive at a radius for the planet, and get the volume from the equation: V=4/3 X pi X r3.

What part of the Earth has the highest density?

Earth has the highest density of any planet in the Solar System, at 5.514 g/cm3. This is considered the standard by which other planet’s densities are measured. In addition, the combination of Earth’s size, mass and density also results in a surface gravity of 9.8 m/s².

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What is meant by the average density of a planet?

The average density is the total mass of the planet divided by its total volume. The average density is an indicator of the composition of the planet.

What is the density of Neptune compared to Earth?

The density of Neptune is more or less 1.64 gr/cm [math]^3[/math]. For comparison, the density of water is 1 gr/cm [math]^3[/math]. In other words, if you put Neptune in a huge bathtub, it will sink. Earth itself has a density of 5.51 gr/cm [math]^3[/math]. So, Earth is ~3.4 times denser than Neptune.