What is the average package of ECE in BITS Pilani?

What is the average package of ECE in BITS Pilani?

Dear candidate, average package of ECE or EEE in BITS Hyderabad is around 13 lakhs, BITS Goa 15 lakhs and in Pilani its around 18 lakhs. It is definitely worth it. BITS is one of the premier academic engineering institutes of India.

Is ECE available in BITS Pilani?

This, precisely, is what the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering at the BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus is about. The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, which includes EEE, ECE and EIE, is one of the largest departments on the campus, comprising of students, faculty and technical staff.

What is the average package of EEE in BITS Pilani?

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Electrical and Electronics: EEE at BITS pilani is without a doubt one of the best in India ( if not Asia). It is also the branch which requires maximum commitment and hard work. Average package is round 7.5-8 lpa. Core companies like Texas instruments, NI, Cisco, Samsumg, Juniper pay in the range of 7-11 lpa.

What is the highest CTC offered in BITS Pilani for MBA?

The highest CTC offered was Rs 15 LPA in 2019, which was Rs 13.03 LPA during BITS Pilani 2020 placements. The average and median salary packages also dipped by 9.25\% and 8.55\%, respectively in 2020 as compared to 2019 placements. A graph to represent the salary trends of MBA for the past four years is given below:

What are the Year-Wise salary trends of BITS Pilani?

To know the year-wise salary trends of BITS Pilani, refer to the below graph: The CTC offered to MBA candidates has declined over the years. The highest CTC offered was Rs 15 LPA in 2019, which was Rs 13.03 LPA during BITS Pilani 2020 placements.

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What is BITS Pilani BTech placement rate across various specialisations?

However, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Mechanical Engineering stood at second and third positions with 78.60\% and 69.70\% placements, respectively. BITS Pilani BTech placement rate across its various specialisations is given below: