Tips and tricks

What is the average weight for a man to bench press?

What is the average weight for a man to bench press?

Statistics show that the average, untrained man should be able to bench press at least 135 pounds….Testing Yourself.

Age Three-rep maximum weight
20-29 100\% of your body weight
30-39 90\% of your body weight
40-49 80\% of your body weight
50-59 75\% of your body weight

How much should a 120 pound girl bench?

Bench Press Intermediate Standards If your intermediate teen son weighs 140 to 150 pounds, he’ll be able to bench between 171 and 184 pounds. If your teenage daughter weighs 120 to 130 pounds, she’ll be able to bench between 92 and 98 pounds as an intermediate lifter.

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How much can a woman bench press?

According to, a woman who weighs 97 pounds and is untrained in the exercise should be able to press 50 pounds. At a novice or intermediate level, she should be able to press 65 or 75 pounds, respectively. At the advanced or elite level, the average weight she should be able to press is about 95 or 115 pounds.

How much weight can a woman lift?

Lifting weight in percentage For this upper body exercise, there is a 60\% difference between the man and the woman. With a lower body exercise such as the leg press, the woman should lift approximately 205 lbs and the man approximately 280 lb. In this instance, the woman can lift 73\% of the man’s one-rep max.

Whats a good bench press weight for a woman?

What weight should I be lifting female?

That said, you should never start at 100 pounds. Ideally, a woman should start at 40\% of her 1RM value or 40\% of the maximal weight. What is this? Anything above 70\% of your one-repetition maximum should be considered heavy lifting.

How much do female powerlifters weigh?

Female powerlifting weight classes range from 97 pounds to 198 pounds with no upper limit after the heavyweight class.

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How much should a woman bench?

How much weight should I be lifting female?

For the average 145-pound woman, a maximal squat is about 130 to 135 pounds. Therefore, lifting a “light” amount in this study would equate to doing about 25 to 30 reps holding 15- to 20-pound dumbbells. “Most women consider a dumbbell of about 10 pounds to be heavy,” she says.

How many pounds can the average man lift?

Based on bench press standards and the average body weight of an American male, an untrained or novice man can often lift between 135 and 175 pounds. “Average” is a tricky word when it comes to weight lifting.

What is considered a good bench press weight?

Bench Press. The bench press tests your chest, shoulder and triceps strength. Untrained lifters should aim for 85 pounds at a body weight of 114 pounds, 130 pounds at a body weight of 181 pounds and 160 pounds at over 320 pounds of body weight.

What is the average bench press by age and weight?

According to Baglione, the general rule of thumb for bench press is a moderately healthy, injury-free average person should be able to press 70\% of their body weight . The ‘average man’ should be able to stick to this scale below, put together by The American College of Sports Medicine. Age 24- Body Weight of 170 – Presses – approx. 105\% of BW; Age 33- Body Weight of 180 – Presses – approx. 75\% of BW; Age 46- Body Weight of 183 – Presses – approx. 70\% of BW

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What percentage of men can bench press their body weight?

The average man can bench press 160 pounds in a single repetition, according to Elite Feet. Adjusted for body weight, the average man can bench press between 100 percent and 149 percent of his body weight in a single repetition, according to Men’s Health.

How much weight should I be able to bench press?

According to Exercise Prescription, the amount of weight a person should be able to bench press depends on gender and fitness level. For intermediate bench pressers, a 181 pound man should be able to bench 200 pounds and a 132 pound woman should be able to bench 95 pounds.