
What is the behavior of a gangster?

What is the behavior of a gangster?

Gangs normally project an arrogant and defiant attitude in an attempt to intimidate others, especially in a public place and while in the presence of other gang members. Attitude is displayed when an impression can be made, to create fear and intimidate others.

What does a gangster look like?

Gangsters in the 20s and 30s dressed up rather elegantly. A typical outfit included an all-black, grey, or pinstriped suit with a tie. Either wear a white collared shirt with a black tie or a black collared shirt with a white tie. Wear a pair of black or brown dress shoes.

What do gangsters do?

gangster, member of a criminal organization that systematically makes money from such activities as gambling, prostitution, narcotic trafficking, and industrial extortion.

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How does a gangster look?

Gangsters in the 20s and 30s dressed up rather elegantly. A typical outfit included an all-black, grey, or pinstriped suit with a tie. Keep the color scheme simple; stick to black, white, grey or brown. If you don’t have a suit jacket, then wear a vest and roll up the sleeves of your collared shirt.

What are the negative effects of gangsterism on teenagers?

Gangsterism not only brings negative effects to that specific teen ager himself but also to the society. The society is in worry when the gang activities become more and more active in the town .

What is attitude of attitude in gangs?

Attitude helps enhance the individual gang member’s reputation and, in turn, helps create the gang’s reputation within the community. Most gang members are opportunists who take advantage of a situation that will allow them to enhance their reputation.

What are the common behaviors of gang members?

There are several common behaviors that gang members share. These particular behaviors are not displayed all the time. Collectively, these behaviors build the gang mentality. Gangs normally project an arrogant and defiant attitude in an attempt to intimidate others, especially in a public place and while in the presence of other gang members.

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What are the causes of gangsterism?

In conclusion, gangsterism is caused by the influences of the surrounding, the intention of teenagers to attract others¶ attraction and to protect themselves. Gangsterism also brings a lot of negative effects to the teenagers himself and the society. So, to curb these social ill, parents, educators and society at large should be aware