Tips and tricks

What is the blue liquid in pad commercials?

What is the blue liquid in pad commercials?

By contrast, blue is uniquely clinical and evokes cleaning products, like bleach or dishwashing liquid, emphasizing a sense of ‘cleanliness’ and hygiene rather than one of dirtiness (or even natural-ness). It could show absorption and create a sanitary atmosphere instead of reminding people about, well, blood.

Why is there blue liquid in period ads?

Why blue anyway? For decades, menstrual companies have used and still use blue liquid to show consumers how absorbent their products are. According to Bustle, televised advertising of blue liquid in pads started in the ’90s.

Why are pad commercials using red liquid?

The feminine hygiene product brand has debuted a new ad using a realistic-looking red liquid to represent period blood, instead of the blue-colored liquid that has been used in many commercials for decades. “Can your pad keep up?” the ad reads. “Blood is blood.

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What does a commercial sanitary napkin contain?

Disposable. Although producers are generally reluctant to reveal the exact composition of their products, the main materials will usually be bleached rayon (cellulose made from wood pulp), cotton and plastics. In addition, fragrance and antibacterial agents can be included.

What does Blue Period blood mean?

Blood that is dark purple or blue in color generally indicates high estrogen levels. In addition to its dark color, purple or blue blood usually also contains clots and lasts longer than a week. If left untreated, high estrogen levels can lead to the development of endometriosis, fibroids, or ovarian cysts.

Are there chemicals in sanitary pads?

Tampax, Always and several other brands of tampons and sanitary towels being sold in France may contain “potentially toxic residues”, it has been claimed. A study by 60 Millions de Consommateurs magazine reportedly found traces of chemicals including dioxins and insecticides in five of 11 products tested.

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Is Nua pads chemical free?

Our first product, Nua sanitary pads, are designed to keep your skin healthy. The pads do not have prints, perfume or any other chemical on the top layer to avoid rashes and come with wider backs for full coverage….

Wing Features Wider back
Other Body Features Dioxin free, Chemical free

Why is my period blood pink?

Your blood may appear pink in color at the beginning or end of your period, especially if you’re spotting. This lighter shade usually means that the blood has mixed with your cervical fluid. Sometimes pink menstrual blood may indicate low estrogen levels in the body.

Why is my period purple?

What is the blue liquid in period ads?

The debut of liquid that bears resemblance to blood (it’s still a sanitary red liquid, after all) in period product ads instead of inorganic, lab-brewed blue liquid represents a new point in a long journey of de-mystifying and re-imagining menstrual flow.

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Why do menstrual hygiene products use mystery blue liquid?

Discomfort about menstrual blood has deep cultural roots that have led to the use of mystery blue liquid in menstrual hygiene product commercials.

Why do diapers have blue liquid in them?

It could show absorption and create a sanitary atmosphere instead of reminding people about, well, blood. (A commenter on Feministing noted in 2008 that the tendency of diaper advertisers to also use blue liquid to stand in for urine led to some confusion about what pads were meant to “do” among her childhood male friends.)

Should tampons and pads advertise blood?

Using something that looks like actual blood to stand in for menstrual blood has been, in every preceding decade of tampon and pad advertisement, as completely off-limits as full-frontal nudity.