What is the closest pet to a dragon?

What is the closest pet to a dragon?

Armadillo Lizards are tiny one-of-a-kind reptiles. Their spiny coats of armor make them the closest thing to a dragon you can own. This lizard is named after the Armadillo because they curl up and bite their tails to protect themselves from predators.

Whats the closest thing we have to a dragon?

The remains of a “fearsome beast” has been found in the Australian outback, scientists calling it the “closest thing we have to a real dragon”. But don’t be afraid – Thapunngaka shawi was a pterosaur that lived alongside the dinosaurs about 105 million years ago, scientists from the University of Queensland said.

What is similar to a dragon?

Dragon synonyms

  • draco (related) (Greek mythology) One of Actaeon’s.
  • firedrake. A worker at a furnace or fire (an allusive use)
  • hydra. A complex, multifarious problem or situation that cannot be solved easily and rapidly.
  • mythical beast.
  • wyvern. (Heraldry, mythology) Mythical dragon.
  • basilisk.
  • winged serpent.
  • talos.
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What is dragon look like?

A dragon is usually represented as a huge, bat-winged, fire-breathing, scaly lizard or snake with a barbed tail. The belief in these creatures apparently arose without the slightest knowledge on the part of the ancients of dinosaurs, which have some remblance to dragons.

Do Megalania still exist?

Megalania (Varanus priscus) is an extinct species of giant monitor lizard, part of the megafaunal assemblage that inhabited Australia during the Pleistocene.

Are there any real dragons?

Real dragons do exist, though. The Komodo dragon is the world’s largest lizard and can eat nearly anything.

Is there any dragon alive?

Komodo dragons are living, breathing dragons, even if they don’t breathe fire. Komodo dragons are the largest of lizards, and there are 3,000 kinds of those! They live on only five islands in southeastern Indonesia.

What are the closest relatives of the Komodo dragon?

Other than Monitors, some of the Komodo Dragon’s more distant, yet still fairly closely related relatives include those in the Family Helodermatidae (such as the Gila Monster and the Mexican Beaded Lizard), and the Family Lanthanotidae (earless monitor lizards, a family that consists of only one species,…

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Where can I see a Komodo dragon?

Here’s where to see Komodo dragons Komodo dragons, which can grow to be 10 feet long and more than 300 pounds, are the world’s largest lizard. In the wild, they live in Komodo National Park in Indonesia, but many can be found at zoos in the U.S. Photograph by Stephen Belcher, Minden Pictures

What is the closest reptile to a dragon?

In my opinion, one of the closest to a dragon, besides the komodo, would have to be the Gliding Lizard, also known as the Flying Lizard, with the scientific taxonomy of Draco. If that isn’t dragon enough, when in a tight spot when, say, being stalked by one of it’s predators – a snake – it quickly crawls up a tree and to some limbs to escape.

What’s the closet thing to a real dragon?

Type in you name, wait 107 seconds, brace yourself. Originally Answered: What’s the closet thing to a real dragon (besides the Komodo dragon)? In my opinion, one of the closest to a dragon, besides the komodo, would have to be the Gliding Lizard, also known as the Flying Lizard, with the scientific taxonomy of Draco.