
What is the closing rank for VIT Vellore?

What is the closing rank for VIT Vellore?

The candidates with a score 118 or above will likely fall between 1-250 rank range….VIT Chennai VITEEE Cutoff 2021 Predictions: Key highlights.

Marks obtained in VITEEE 2021 Opening Rank Closing Rank
118 + 1 250
113 – 117 251 500
90 – 113 501 2,500
81 – 90 2,501 5,000

Does Vit have mechanical engineering?

The Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering is a 4 year professional undergraduate programme that provides a broad intellectual foundation in the fields of Automation, Automotive, Design, Energy, Industrial, Manufacturing, and Thermal engineering.

How difficult is it to get admission in VIT Vellore for mechanical?

It is very difficult to get admission in category 2 at a rank of 40,000 in VIT Vellore for mechanical branch however you can try for category 3 or 4. But fees structure would be very high so think according to your financial background.

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How can I get 40K rank in Category 2 mechanical in vit?

To be frank securing mechanical in VIT with 40k rank in Category 2 is not possible. There is fierce compitition for Mech/ ECE and CSE-IT branches. There is however chance in Phase 3 or 4 counseeling. But that will be very costly.

What is the closing rank of Computer Science in VIT Vellore?

The closing rank for Computer Science and Engineering (with Bioinformatics as specialization) went up till 7500 while for Computer Science and Engineering, it went up till 15000. Candidates can refer to the below table to know more about the closing ranks in Vellore campus of VIT.

What is the closing rank for civil engineering in VIT Chennai?

( Information Security) Candidates securing a rank between 29000-39500 will be eligible for admissions in the Chennai campus. The closing rank for Civil Engineering will be near 29000 while for Mechanical, it will be around 39500. Candidates can refer to the below table to know more about the closing ranks in Chennai campus of VIT.