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What is the combined population of India Pakistan and Bangladesh?

What is the combined population of India Pakistan and Bangladesh?

2.9 billion
2.9 billion: The combined population of four neighboring countries: China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Together, they account for 41 percent of the world’s population.

What is the fastest growing religion in Pakistan?

Hinduism is the second largest religious affiliation in Pakistan after Islam….Demographics.

Year Percent Increase
1947 12.9\% −1.1\%
1951 1.3\% −11.8\%
1961 1.4\% +0.1\%
1981 1.5\% +0.1\%

What is the percentage of Muslim in Pakistan in 2020?

Islam is the state religion of Pakistan, and about 95-98\% of Pakistanis are Muslim. Pakistan has the second largest number of Muslims in the world after Indonesia. The majority are Sunni (estimated at 85-90\%), with an estimated 10-15\% Shia.

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How many Muslims are in India after independence?

After India’s independence and the creation of Pakistan in 1947, the muslim population in India declined from 42,400,000 in 1941 to 35,400,000 in the 1951 census, due to the Partition of India.

What are the problems faced by India Pakistan and Bangladesh?

The main problems of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are the same — massive poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, lack of healthcare and good education, etc. If we reunite, we can pool in our resources and overcome these problems in 15-20 years.

How many Muslims are there in India?

There are 172 millions Muslims in India ,146.6 millions in Bangladesh and 178 millions in Pakistan.Total Muslim population in these countries is 496.6 millions or 496600000 Crore.

Can Kashmir hold the key to India’s reunification with Pakistan?

Kashmir may hold the key to India’s reunification with Pakistan, whether by force or by mutual consent.

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What is the population of India in Pakistan?

India has a total population of 1,210,569,573 (2011 Estimates). Out of this 78.35\% of population was Hindu, which means 947,800,000 people. Population of Pakistan was 182 million (2011) and Bangladesh was 156 million.