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What is the control Centre of the cell?

What is the control Centre of the cell?

Nucleus is the controlling centre of a cell.

Why is the nucleus considered the control center of the cell quizlet?

Why is the nucleus considered the control center for the cell? The nucleus controls which proteins are made and when. (Proteins do most of the work in a cell. Because the nucleus controls protein production, it controls all the work a cell does.)

Why is nucleus called the control Centre of the cell class 8?

Nucleus is called the control centre of the cells because it controls all the life activities of the cells. Genetic material is present inside the nucleus. The nucleus plays an important role in cellular reproduction as it divides and passes the genetic material to the offspring.

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Why is the nucleus called the control Centre of the cell class 8?

What is the center of a cell called?

Nucleus. The nucleus serves as the cell’s command center, sending directions to the cell to grow, mature, divide, or die. The nucleus is surrounded by a membrane called the nuclear envelope, which protects the DNA and separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell.

What is the function of nucleus in a cell?

The nucleus controls and regulates the activities of the cell (e.g., growth and metabolism) and carries the genes, structures that contain the hereditary information.

What does the nucleus of the cell hold?

The cell nucleus contains the majority of the cell’s genetic material in the form of multiple linear DNA molecules organized into structures called chromosomes. Each human cell contains roughly two meters of DNA.

Why nucleus is called as the brain control center of the cell class 9?

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The nucleus is called the “brain” of the cell because it holds the information needed to conduct most of the cell’s functions. These proteins are built by the cell using the information in DNA, which is held in the nucleus.

Why is it called the control center of the cell?

NUCLEUS IS CALLED CONTROL CENTRE OF THE CELL BECAUSE IT PERFORMS TWO MAIN PRINCIPAL FUNCTIONS: The genetic information is replicated and passed on to daughter cells. 2. Controls cellular activities through directing synthesis of particular proteins and enzymes.

Why is nucleus called the control center of the cell?

NUCLEUS IS CALLED CONTROL CENTRE OF THE CELL BECAUSE IT PERFORMS TWO MAIN PRINCIPAL FUNCTIONS: 1. Contains genetic information for structure, reproduction, development, metabolism and behaviour. The genetic information is replicated and passed on to daughter cells.

What is the function of the nucleus in the human body?

In this manner, the nucleus controls the characters and functions of cells in our body. Following are the important nucleus function: It contains the cell’s hereditary information and controls the cell’s growth and reproduction. The nucleus has been clearly explained as a membrane-bound structure that comprises the genetic material of a cell.

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What is the control of the cell?

The nucleus is the control center of a cell. The nucleus controls the cell’s growth and reproduction and contains the cell’s DNA.

Which organelle is called the control room of the cell?

Nucleus is called the control room of the cell because it controls all the other cell organelles jaise the cell.The nucleus contains genetic material like DNA,RNA which helps in synthesis of proteins that controls functions of cell