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What is the Democratic Party called in the UK?

What is the Democratic Party called in the UK?

The British Democratic Party, commonly known as the British Democrats, is a British far-right political party.

What wing is the Conservative Party UK?

The Conservative Party (informally as the Tory Party) is the main centre-right political party in the United Kingdom. Their policies usually promote conservatism.

What is the British English of labour?

Labor means work and is the American spelling. Labour means work and is the British spelling.

Is labour an American or British spelling?

The differences in British and American spelling

colour color
flavour flavor
humour humor
labour labor

How did the Labour Party come to power in Britain?

After the First World War, a new party came to power in the British Parliament, the Labour Party. The first Labour MPs had been elected in 1900 as representatives of the Independent Labour Party. The Labour Party formed a minority government in 1924, but it did not last.

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What are the main differences between Conservative Party and Labour Party?

• While there was a division of votes along class lines earlier, the distinction has somewhat blurred in recent times, forcing both Conservative Party and Labour Party to make a shift in their positions. • The main differences between Conservative Party and Labour Party pertain to measures of tackling poverty and inequality.

What is the British Party of the right?

This is the British party of the right, including a broad range of traditional conservatives and royalists, neo-liberals and social conservatives. For the last forty years, the party has been deeply divided over issues of sovereignty and the role of Britain in the European Union.

How has the Brexit referendum affected the political parties in Britain?

The “Brexit” referendum has plunged the main British political parties into turmoil, with both main parties Conservative and Labour being (irreparably?) divided about Britain’s relationship with the European Union. The Conservative party has been split down the middle by opposition between pro- and anti-Europeans; but with a few exceptions,…

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