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What is the difference between a good excuse and a bad excuse?

What is the difference between a good excuse and a bad excuse?

If you tell your girlfriend that you were late because you forgot her gift and had to go back for it, you might owe her less of an apology. A good excuse minimizes how much you owe to the person you wronged. But even the best excuse won’t erase the debt. It will only diminish it.

Is I forgot a good excuse?

Have you ever used “I forgot” as an excuse to get out of something at work or out of plans with a friend? If you have, it’s totally normal. Yes, if you become the “forgetful” one amongst your family and friends, they will make you show up early to set up or bring anything important except for yourself.

Why do people make excuses to avoid things?

Excuses start off as good intentions to keep you safe Excuses usually begin as sound and rational reasons to keep you out of harm’s way. “Don’t talk to strangers” could be issued to you by your mum because she grew up in a rough neighbourhood.

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When do well-intentioned reasons become excuses?

However, these well-intentioned reasons become excuses and stumbling blocks when (1) the situation changes and (2) they hinder you from accessing and unleashing your true potential. Sure, avoiding contact with strangers might prevent me from getting robbed or mugged.

Are good intentions leading you to Hell?

Having good intentions is procrastinating. You know what to do. You know what Scripture says, but you say I’ll do it later. Good intentions are not good at all. They will lead you to hell. When you’re in front of God you can’t say well I was going to obey, but this, this, and that.

Are intentions still relevant?

An intention on its own simply makes us feel good for the beliefs we have. Intentions only become relevant when aligned with actions. With the rise of social media, it seems easier than ever for us to express our intentions to each other. During the recent black lives matter protests, millions of people expressed support for the movement.