
What is the difference between has changed and is changed?

What is the difference between has changed and is changed?

When you’re talking about the act of changing, you have to say “It has changed” (and you’re talking about the time that it changed). But if you say “It is changed”, you are talking about the state after the act of changing. For example: The policy has changed (referring to the time that it changed).

Can I say have changed?

When we say that someone ‘has had [something] done’, it means that he got someone to do the job for him; he didn’t do it himself. So both these examples may be correct. As you didn’t tell us how you wanted to use them, we can’t tell you which is correct for you, in a specific sentence.

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Has been change or has been changed?

You can generally use both of them,as they are both grammatically correct,but,in short,” has changed” is a way of stating that a change has occured,while ” has been changed” implies that someone or something has made that change.

Has changed or has been changed?

Both are possible, grammatical, and idiomatic, but “my email ID has changed” simply means that the ID is no longer the same, while “my email ID has been changed” puts more stress on the fact that someone is responsible for actively changing the ID. If you changed it, “I have changed my email” or “My email has changed”.

Has been changed which tense?

Has been changed It gives idea of period of changing education. It means it is changing since you were a student. You can use time expression in present perfect tense.

How do you use has been changed?

What does was changed or has been changed mean?

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Was Changed Or Has Been Changed? 1 “Has been changed” indeed refers to a recent action, as it was explained above; 2 Past Simple/Indefeinite includes both aspects, i.e., you can’t understand if a process is meant or a completed action. More

What is changedchanged special edition?

Changed: Special Edition is an extended version the game Changed. It became available on Steam as a celebration for the second anniversary of Changed. It is not downloadable from the Steam store, and instead it will appear in the Tools section for anyone who has purchased the original game, available as a free download.

What is the difference between past simple/indefeinite and was changed/was changed?

Was Changed Or Has Been Changed? 1) “Has been changed” indeed refers to a recent action, as it was explained above; 2) Past Simple/Indefeinite includes both aspects, i.e., you can’t understand if a process is meant or a completed action.

Should I use ‘was changed’ or ‘has been changed’ in this sentence?

Anonymous I think that you should to use ‘was changed’ on the past tense and ‘has been changed’ on the progressive present . Please note that “has been changed” is the present perfect (passive), not a progressive tense. Progressive tenses have an “ing” form.