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What is the difference between objective reality and subjective reality?

What is the difference between objective reality and subjective reality?

The fact that you observe something means you fundamentally interact with it and it is this interaction that will have an effect. Reality objectively interacts with itself and from the narrow mathematical interval of reality that is a conscious observer it seems subjective because it (observer) has an effect on it.

What does subjective reality mean?

“Reality is subjective” means that each person has his or her own unique perception of reality, and no two people have quite the same understanding of what is real. …

What is meant by objective reality?

1. Terminology. Many philosophers would use the term “objective reality” to refer to anything that exists as it is independent of any conscious awareness of it (via perception, thought, etc.). Common mid-sized physical objects presumably apply, as do persons having subjective states.

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Does objective reality exist?

Similarly, starting from a subjective perspective, the objective reality does not exist. Objects exist only as their perceptions and affects on subjective reality, not as a Ding-an-Sich.

What is subjective reality?

Subjective reality means that something is actual depending on the mind. For example: someone walks by a flower and experiences the beauty of the flower. Objective reality means that something is actual (so it exists) independent of the mind.

What is the difference between objective and subjective view?

The real difference in subjective vs. objective is that objective situations can be observed independent of personal biases and experience (i.e. data), whereas subjective situations can usually only be viewed by one person, filtered through their unique lens of personal experience, taste, emotion, and bias.

The phrase “objective reality” means that reality exists independent of our minds. The description “objective” doesn’t make a lot of sense on its own, but it does in comparison to the competing theory of the relationship between consciousness and existence.

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What are the examples of objective reality?

Objective reality means that something is actual (so it exists) independent of the mind. For example: while no one is nearby, a meteor crashes into a car, putting it on flames, leaving only a pile of ashes . Are any of these events depending on some mind?

Is there any objective reality at all?

Objective reality is how things really are. Although it is possible to perceive objectively, we cannot take in the totality of reality and say anything about it; we can only point to some of its characteristics. So whenever we explore reality in any specific manner, we have to leave out something.