
What is the difference between \%p and \%U in C?

What is the difference between \%p and \%U in C?

\%d is a signed integer, while \%u is an unsigned integer. Pointers (when treated as numbers) are usually non-negative. If you actually want to display a pointer, use the \%p format specifier.

How do you print the address of a variable in C?

To print the memory address, we use ‘\%p’ format specifier in C. To print the address of a variable, we use “\%p” specifier in C programming language. There are two ways to get the address of the variable: By using “address of” (&) operator.

What format specifier is used for address of a variable?

To output address of a variable, \%p format specifier is used.

Why do we use \%U in C programming?

The \%u format specifier is implemented for fetching values from the address of a variable having unsigned decimal integer stored in the memory. This is used within printf() function for printing the unsigned integer variable.

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What does U mean in C?

It is format specifier which specifies to a scanf or printf statement the data type of value going to be entered. Like \%d is used to specify an integer, \%u is used to specify an unsigned integer .

What is the size of int in C?

Integer Types

Type Storage size Value range
int 2 or 4 bytes -32,768 to 32,767 or -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
unsigned int 2 or 4 bytes 0 to 65,535 or 0 to 4,294,967,295
short 2 bytes -32,768 to 32,767
unsigned short 2 bytes 0 to 65,535

Which format specifier is used for printing character values?

The format specifiers are used in C for input and output purposes. Using this concept the compiler can understand that what type of data is in a variable during taking input using the scanf() function and printing using printf() function. Here is a list of format specifiers….Format specifiers in C.

Format Specifier Type
\%\% Prints \% character

Which format specifier is used to print the values of char type variable?

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Basic format specifiers in C

Format Specifier Data Type description
\%d int To print the integer value
\%f float To print the floating number
\%lf double To print the double precision floating number or long float
\%c char To print the character value

What does zu mean in C?

The correct way to print size_t variables is use of “\%zu”. In “\%zu” format, z is a length modifier and u stand for unsigned type. The following is an example to print size_t variable.

What is unsigned int in C?

An unsigned variable type of int can hold zero and positive numbers, and a signed int holds negative, zero and positive numbers. An int type in C, C++, and C# is signed by default. If negative numbers are involved, the int must be signed; an unsigned int cannot represent a negative number.

Why can’t I print an address with \%u or \%X?

If you use the \%u or \%x (or anything other than \%p) to attempt to print an address, it might appear to work in some environments, but will actually be undefined behavior and non-portable. You can’t assume that the size of a pointer is the same as the size of an unsigned integer (or any other integer data type).

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What happens if I use \%P instead of P when formatting?

If you use \%p, it’ll just treat the value as a pointer’s memory address and prints it into hexadecimal. If you print the variable a instead of p, then you would get hexadecimal value of 5 when format specifier is \%p.

How to print the memory address of a variable in C?

To print the memory address, we use ‘\%p’ format specifier in C. Submitted by IncludeHelp, on September 13, 2018 To print the address of a variable, we use “\%p” specifier in C programming language. There are two ways to get the address of the variable:

How to print the address of a pointer variable?

If you use the \%u or \%x (or anything other than \%p) to attempt to print an address, it might appear If you need to print an address of something, or the contents of a pointer variable, the only truly portable way to do it is to use the \%p format specifier.