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What is the easiest algorithm to find the day of week of day zero of a given year?

What is the easiest algorithm to find the day of week of day zero of a given year?

Divide the year by 28 and return the respective day-of-the-week (the day-of-the-week values being stored in an array/vector). This would be the fastest and simplest algorithm.

Is leap year an algorithm?

Leap Year Algorithm The algorithm to determine if a year is a leap year is as follows: Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are exactly divisible by 100, but these centurial years are leap years, if they are exactly divisible by 400.

Is there a date that is always a weekday?

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His algorithm is based on the fact that there are some dates that inevitably share the same weekday within any given year: the last day in February (February 28 in a common year, February 29 in a leap year) March 7.

How do you find the days?

Let us take 1st January 2008(leap year) as another example.

  1. Take the last 2 digits of the year.
  2. Divide it by 4 and discard any remainder.
  3. Add the day of the month.
  4. The month in our example is January, which has the key value of 1.
  5. Since the date is in January of a leap year, subtract 1 from step 4 i.e. 04 – 01 = 03.

How do you find the day of the week for any date in python?

Use the weekday() Method to Get the Name of the Day in Python. In Python, weekday() can be used to retrieve the day of the week. The datetime. today() method returns the current date, and the weekday() method returns the day of the week as an integer where Monday is indexed as 0 and Sunday is 6.

How do I calculate days from a date in Excel?

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Below are the steps to convert date to weekday name using the TEXT function:

  1. Click on a blank cell where you want the day of the week to be displayed (B2)
  2. Type the formula: =TEXT(A2,”ddd”) if you want the shortened version of the day or =TEXT(A2,”dddd”) if you want the full version of the days.
  3. Press the Return key.

How do you calculate days in a calendar?

Here is a standard method suitable for mental computation:

  1. Take the last two digits of the year.
  2. Divide by 4, discarding any fraction.
  3. Add the day of the month.
  4. Add the month’s key value: JFM AMJ JAS OND 144 025 036 146.
  5. Subtract 1 for January or February of a leap year.

Is there an algorithm to predict the day of the week?

By signing up you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy policy. In 1970, John Horton Conway came up with an algorithm, often termed the “Doomsday Algorithm.” (Though it had no relation to December 21, 2012 — the predicted doomsday) to quickly calculate the day of a week without resorting to anything but a few calculations in your head.

How to find weekday from a given date using Zeller’s algorithm?

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Zeller’s Algorithm is used to find the weekday from a given date. The formula to find weekday using Zeller’s Algorithm is here: d − The day of the date. m: It is the month code. From March to December it is 3 to 12, for January it is 13, and for February it is 14. When we consider January or February, then given year will be decreased by 1.

How do you calculate the day of the week in Excel?

It allows you to take a date, like 14 March 1987, and mentally calculate which day of the week it fell on. The formula is: (Year Code + Month Code + Century Code + Date Number – Leap Year Code) mod 7

What is the fastest way to calculate the day of the week?

Divide the year by 28 and return the respective day-of-the-week (the day-of-the-week values being stored in an array/vector). This would be the fastest and simplest algorithm. But this algorithm would not be at all clear to someone reading the code. Your choice depends on whether you want fast, simple or “clearly correct”.