
What is the fastest way to memorize the Quran by heart?

What is the fastest way to memorize the Quran by heart?

Read the vague verses and words meanings from a Tafeer, so you understand what you are reciting. Mind-maps for chapters of the Qur’an are also helpful, (please do google them). Knowing the stories of the verses make memorization easy. Repeat the page/ verse over and over again until you are done with it.

How long did it take to memorize the Quran?

Hafiz, the people who memorize the whole Quran, take about 3-5 years doing so. There are schools that makes young children memorize the whole Quran, and they take about 5 years as well. Not including the training that everyone requires of reading arabic. By Almighty God willing.it takes between 3 to 5 years.

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How much time does it take to do HIFZ?

It takes one year or less if you are good at memorization.

What is the meaning of 786?

In Arabic literature, there is a numerology equation in which words and abjad letters converted into numbers gives 786 as a conversion of the words in Arabic Besm Allah AlRahman AlRahim which literally means in English: “In the Name of Allah (i.e. God) the Compassionate the Merciful”.

Is it possible to memorize the Quran in 1 year?

To produce strong memorization and be able to remember all 30 juz of the Quran in 1 year, the Muslim individual must follow the specific rules to ensure his memorization is stuck well in his mind. You can start the memorization process with a small portion of a verse or 1-2 verses a day and move on to more verses.

How can I learn surah by heart?

Quran Memorization Tips — For Short Surah

  1. Try to memorise early in the morning because your brain is fresh and you will be able to memorise more easily.
  2. Repetition works wonders, repeat the verse/ page unlimited times until it’s stuck to your head.
  3. Listen to the Surah you were memorising by your favourite Qari/Shaykh.
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What is Allah’s Favourite Colour?

According to the observation of Muslim scholars, white is the best colour as it is chosen by Allah for the Prophet PBUH.